Friday, July 29, 2022

Exodus 32:17-35


Keywords 32:32

But now, please forgive their sin--but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written."


1. Moses anger burned as he saw the extent of their sin. He broke the tablets. He burned, crushed, and ground the idol calf into powder, scattering it on their drinking water. He rebuked Aaron, who sided with the people and not God. But it was not enough to get the people out of their sinful stupor. Moses called out: Whoever is for the LORD, come to me. The Levites responded, and 3,000 people were killed before the multitude returned to their right minds. Sin seems small at first but always has the most terrible of consequences.


2. Like a bad hangover, the weight of what they had done came to light the next day. Moses chose to go up to God and try to make atonement for their sins. He finally understood why God was so angry at them. All he could do was plead for Gods mercy to forgive his people. Although God had shown such grace, the people were far from understanding it. God accepted Moses prayer. Their journey would continue, but sinners were punished.


Prayer Father, help me recognize the seriousness of sin and stand on your side. Teach me to remember your mercy and grace.

One Word The wages of sin is death

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