Keywords 32:11
But Moses sought the favor of the LORD
his God. "O LORD," he said, "why should your anger burn against
your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand?
1. Moses had been up on the mountain for
a while, and the people became impatient. Their action-packed escape from Egypt
made waiting at the mountain too boring. Thus, they pressured Aaron to make
them an idol, so they could have gods to lead them again. But reverence was not
their goal; they hijacked the grace of God’s deliverance as an excuse to indulge in revelry.
2. God saw how corrupt his people had
become, turning away from what he commanded (20:4) and what they had promised
to obey (24:3). God planned to destroy them and start over with Moses, but
Moses sought God’s favor. It was God who delivered his people, not a golden calf or
Moses. God made promises to Abraham and his descendants, and God always keeps
his promises. Moses reminded God of his promises and his own good name, who is
faithful. The LORD relented, and Moses took the tablets of the covenant down to
the people. In this way, God was faithful to his covenant, even though his
people were not.
Prayer Father, thank you for your faithfulness and mercy. Help me seek your
favor for your people in prayer today.
One Word Seek the favor of our faithful God
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