And he passed in front of Moses,
proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow
to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,
1. Based on God’s name, his character as the
compassionate and gracious God, Moses was to chisel two new tablets to replace
the ones he broke. These inferior tablets would be a constant reminder of the
people’s mistake and, more importantly, God’s grace to give them another chance.
Moses and his people now knew firsthand their God is merciful and just. Because of this
relationship, God would forgive their sins and the covenant restored.
2. God called Moses up on the mountain again. For forty days and nights
he gave him the words of the covenant. The words were the same. Obedience was
still required, but the context is different: They now know God better. God is
revealing himself more intimately to his people through Moses. Moses’ face shone with God’s glory each time they met. This glory
is revealed to us in Jesus (2Co 3:16-18). A covenant with God is more than
rules to be obeyed. It is a trust relationship with God, who makes and keeps
promises, who knows and wants to be known.
Prayer Father, thank you for forgiving our sin and making a covenant with us
through Jesus. Help me live in this covenant obediently.
One Word Obedience based on knowing God