Sunday, July 31, 2022

Exodus 34:1-35


 Keywords 34:6

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, "The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness,


1. Based on Gods name, his character as the compassionate and gracious God, Moses was to chisel two new tablets to replace the ones he broke. These inferior tablets would be a constant reminder of the peoples mistake and, more importantly, Gods grace to give them another chance. Moses and his people now knew firsthand their God is merciful and just. Because of this relationship, God would forgive their sins and the covenant restored.


2. God called Moses up on the mountain again. For forty days and nights he gave him the words of the covenant. The words were the same. Obedience was still required, but the context is different: They now know God better. God is revealing himself more intimately to his people through Moses. Moses face shone with Gods glory each time they met. This glory is revealed to us in Jesus (2Co 3:16-18). A covenant with God is more than rules to be obeyed. It is a trust relationship with God, who makes and keeps promises, who knows and wants to be known.


Prayer Father, thank you for forgiving our sin and making a covenant with us through Jesus. Help me live in this covenant obediently.

One Word Obedience based on knowing God

Saturday, July 30, 2022

Exodus 33:1-23


Keywords 33:14

The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."


1. To keep his promises to Abraham (32:13), God would send an angel to give his people the land. But he could not go with them because they were stiff-necked: They did not know God or love him. Moses set up a tent of meeting so the people could inquire of God any time. God came to Moses tent and met with him there. In this way, Moses modeled worship for them. The people would take time to worship the LORD, beginning to know him and honor him.


2. Receiving the blessings of Goda land of milk and honeywas worthless without an intimate relationship with God. As an intercessor, this relationship started with Moses. God knew Moses name and was pleased with him. So, Moses wanted to know God. Names in the Bible represent the whole person. God accepted Moses desire and would proclaim his name to him, hiding him in the cleft of the rock. In this way, Moses would know a little better who the LORD is. Our Mediator Jesus is one with the Father, and, through him, God makes himself known to us as we live with him.


Prayer Father, thank you for revealing yourself through Jesus. Teach me your ways so I may know you and see your glory today.

One Word Gods presence is the best blessing

Friday, July 29, 2022

Exodus 32:17-35


Keywords 32:32

But now, please forgive their sin--but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written."


1. Moses anger burned as he saw the extent of their sin. He broke the tablets. He burned, crushed, and ground the idol calf into powder, scattering it on their drinking water. He rebuked Aaron, who sided with the people and not God. But it was not enough to get the people out of their sinful stupor. Moses called out: Whoever is for the LORD, come to me. The Levites responded, and 3,000 people were killed before the multitude returned to their right minds. Sin seems small at first but always has the most terrible of consequences.


2. Like a bad hangover, the weight of what they had done came to light the next day. Moses chose to go up to God and try to make atonement for their sins. He finally understood why God was so angry at them. All he could do was plead for Gods mercy to forgive his people. Although God had shown such grace, the people were far from understanding it. God accepted Moses prayer. Their journey would continue, but sinners were punished.


Prayer Father, help me recognize the seriousness of sin and stand on your side. Teach me to remember your mercy and grace.

One Word The wages of sin is death

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Exodus 32:1-16


Keywords 32:11

But Moses sought the favor of the LORD his God. "O LORD," he said, "why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand?


1. Moses had been up on the mountain for a while, and the people became impatient. Their action-packed escape from Egypt made waiting at the mountain too boring. Thus, they pressured Aaron to make them an idol, so they could have gods to lead them again. But reverence was not their goal; they hijacked the grace of Gods deliverance as an excuse to indulge in revelry.


2. God saw how corrupt his people had become, turning away from what he commanded (20:4) and what they had promised to obey (24:3). God planned to destroy them and start over with Moses, but Moses sought Gods favor. It was God who delivered his people, not a golden calf or Moses. God made promises to Abraham and his descendants, and God always keeps his promises. Moses reminded God of his promises and his own good name, who is faithful. The LORD relented, and Moses took the tablets of the covenant down to the people. In this way, God was faithful to his covenant, even though his people were not.


Prayer Father, thank you for your faithfulness and mercy. Help me seek your favor for your people in prayer today.

One Word Seek the favor of our faithful God

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Exodus 31:1-18


Keywords 31:13

"Say to the Israelites, 'You must observe my Sabbaths. This will be a sign between me and you for the generations to come, so you may know that I am the LORD, who makes you holy.


1. Building the tabernacle from scratch was a huge endeavor. Many people and different skills were needed. God told Moses whom he had chosen, appointed, and given the ability to create the tabernacle. Crafted with God-given ability, each piece would be the highest quality and beauty, befitting the glorious and Holy God. So, too, Jesus has chosen and enabled workers to build up his church (Eph 4:11-13). God-given skill and ability, coupled with Gods call and appointing, enable us to do Gods work today.


2. God reminds his people of their privileged identity as his covenant bearers. Observing the Sabbath was a sign of their eternal covenant with God and an expression of their faith in the Creator. The law wasnt burdensome, but a gift to enjoy, and it set them apart from all other nations. Celebrating the Sabbath, in a world that works 24/7, is counter-cultural and only possible by faith. Celebrating the Lords Day is our expression of faith in Jesus resurrection, a sign of our identity as his people today.


Prayer Father, thank you for equipping me for works of service and granting me rest in Jesus. May my worship of you be pleasing each week.

One Word Celebrate the Lords Day

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Exodus 30:22-38


Keywords 30:31

Say to the Israelites, 'This is to be my sacred anointing oil for the generations to come.


1. Worship in Gods Tabernacle was multi-sensory. It had sounds, sights, and even smells! A specially blended oil was to anoint all the articles of the tabernacle, including the priests themselves. The scent set them apart as sacred to the LORDthey even smelled holy. What God made holy needed to be set apart in every single way to him alone. Our lives should follow Gods example, walking in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself as a fragrant offering (Eph 5:1-2).


2. The incense burned twice daily also had its own unique blenda set apart fragrance pleasing to the LORD. Prayer required this fragrance, burned only where God met with the priests. Our prayer should also be sacred incense (Rev 5:8).


Prayer Father, thank you that my awareness and enjoyment of you is multi-sensory, impacting every area of my life. Help me set apart time, space, and actions as holy and sacred to you. May my life be used to spread the aroma of Christ everywhere (2Co 2:14).

One Word May my life be a fragrant offering

Monday, July 25, 2022

Exodus 30:1-21


Keywords 30:10

Once a year Aaron shall make atonement on its horns. This annual atonement must be made with the blood of the atoning sin offering for the generations to come. It is most holy to the LORD."


1. The altar of incense was related to the daily service of priests in the tabernacle. The incense symbolized the prayers of the priests before God (Ps 141:2). The priest would use the altar twice a day and in the annual atonement ceremony (Lev 16), which made atonement for all the people with a sin offering. In the same way, our prayers are made holy by Jesus name because we are his redeemed people. As we pray day and night for ourselves and Gods people, we do so considering Jesus blood, shed for us.


2. Moses was instructed to take a census. A nation has many reasons to conduct one. But Gods people were to pay a small, uniform offering when they were counted: The same for each person. The offering helped them recognize they were chosen as Gods people by ransom and atonement, not by their own accomplishment or national pride. A basin was provided so those who minister may keep their hands and feet clean, reminding us of Jesus who washed his disciples feet (Jn 13:1-17).


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus atoning blood. Let it inform my daily prayer and identity, and cleanse me for your service.

One Word Atoned by the blood of the Lamb

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Exodus 29:35-46


Keywords 29:45

Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God.


1. Just as the priests were ordainedto represent and mediate between God and his peoplethe altar also needed to be consecrated. The priests primary task was to offer sacrifices to God for the people on the altar. This altar, therefore, had to be most holy. God gave clear instructions to consecrate the altar, making atonement for it. This process took seven days of daily offerings, morning and evening, as pleasing offerings to the LORD.


2. Why did they need ordained priests, a consecrated altar, and daily sacrifices? It was so the Holy God may meet with his chosen people. Gods glory would manifest and consecrate the tent of meeting as holy. This is how God prepared a way to dwell with his people, to meet with them and speak with them. All these elements have been fulfilled in our high priest Jesus (Heb 4:14), who made atonement for us, once-and-for-all, by sacrificing himself. Now, he lives eternally to intercede for us. Lets draw near to him and dwell with him.


Prayer Father, thank you for making a way for us to meet you and dwell with you through Jesus.

One Word I am the LORD your God

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Exodus 29:1-34


Keywords 29:1

"This is what you are to do to consecrate them, so they may serve me as priests: Take a young bull and two rams without defect.


1. Ordination is the process of establishing a person as a priest. For Aaron and his sons to serve God as priests, they must be consecrated, which means to be made holy. To prepare the ordination, God gave clear instructions to his people: To provide the materials. They dressed Aaron and his sons in the proper garments and anointed him with oil. Once these preparations were made, the ordination ceremony could begin.


2. In addition to preparations, offerings were needed. To consecrate priests for service, three rounds of sacrifices were made. First was the sin offering of a bull. Second was a burnt offering of one of the rams as a pleasing aroma to God. Lastly was the ram of ordination, which included specific steps and treatment by Aaron and his sons as well as the community. Through this ritual, the Israelites recognize these priests as set apart to serve God in their community as a lasting ordinance.


Prayer Father, thank you for consecrating me to your service as a royal priest through the precious blood of Jesus.

One Word Be Holy


Friday, July 22, 2022

2 Timothy 4:1-22


Keywords 4:2

Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.


1. Paul realized that his ministry and life were coming to an end. He could look back and rejoice that he had obeyed the Lords calling in his life. He could also look forward to the reward that was waiting for him in heaven. The time had come for Timothy to assume the leadership of the ministry. With this in mind, Paul gave him a final and sincere charge: Preach the word. The gravity of this charge cant be missed. It was made in the presence of God and Christ Jesus to whom we will all give an account of our lives. It was made considering our Lords return and the coming of his kingdom. Preaching the word is an awesome responsibility for Timothy and for us. Timothy was to be prepared to preach the word in good times and bad. He was to teach it with patience and care, applying it to the lives of the people he ministered to. Although many would reject the message, he was to be a faithful minister and evangelist to the end.


2. Paul longed to see Timothy one last time, so he urged him to come quickly. Paul was lonely and cold. Many had deserted him while others had left for the mission field. The Lord was faithful to him, though, and stood by his side so he could proclaim the gospel at his first defense. Whatever happened, Paul had faith that the Lord would rescue him and bring him safely to his kingdom.


Prayer Lord, help us to be faithful to the end.

One Word Preach the word in all seasons

Thursday, July 21, 2022

2 Timothy 3:1-17


Keywords 3:16-17

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.


1. Jesus summarized the commandments by saying, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. A second commandment, he said, was to Love your neighbor as yourself. But in the last days, Paul warns that people will be lovers of themselves. This self-love leads to a whole host of wicked characteristics. People will be lovers of pleasure instead of lovers of God. Although religious and pious on the outside, their hearts will be far from God, and their religion will have no power in their lives. Timothy was to have nothing to do with them.


2. Instead, Timothy was to follow Pauls example. Timothy had traveled with Paul and observed his teaching and his life. He witnessed Pauls faith and endurance and experienced his love and patience for himself. He heard all the stories and knew about Paul's suffering and persecution. Such things are to be expected by anyone who seeks to live a godly life in Christ Jesus. Paul also instructed Timothy to depend on the Holy Scriptures, which he had known since he was a little child. These are the words of salvation and life. Gods word is powerful and practical. It is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training, and it was everything Timothy needed to be fully equipped for the good works God had called him to do.


Prayer Lord, help us to know and apply your word.

One Word Be equipped by the word of God

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

2 Timothy 2:14-26


Keywords 2:15

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.


1. Christians are sometimes tempted to engage in meaningless quarrels and debates over nonessential beliefs. This was the case in the Ephesian church where Timothy ministered. Godless chatter spread throughout the body of Christ like gangrenea dangerous condition and a type of body tissue death. False teachers, like Hymenaeus and Philetus, fostered heresies that went so far as to even deny the resurrection of the dead. What was Timothy to do? Was the solution for him to become better at debating? Not at all! He was to live a life that was pleasing to God and teach the gospel in a clear, straightforward way. Such a worker is like a gold or silver article in a large house that is reserved for special purposes. Those who cleanse themselves of false teaching and chatter are holy and useful to God.


2. Timothy, still in his youth, may have been inclined to get involved in such quarrels and debates. However, Paul instructed him to flee from such desires and to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace instead. Confrontation rarely works. The best form of correction is to teach the truth in kindness and love and then trust God to lead others to repentance and the truth.


Prayer Father, grant us your Spirit to live godly lives and to teach your word with clarity and love.

One Word Correctly handle the word of truth

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

2 Timothy 2:1-13


Keywords 2:1

You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.


1. A Christian leader needs the kind of strength that comes from the grace of Jesus and not themselves. Timothy needed this strength to carry on Pauls ministry of raising disciples and gospel workers. Paul instructed him to pass on his teachings to reliable people who would then teach others. This was not an easy task, by any means! Paul says, Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Jesus Christ. Soldiers have a single-minded focus in obeying their commanders. Athletes play by the rules and know that suffering is part of the game. Farmers must be hardworking and diligent in everything they do. These are the traits that disciples of Jesus must have, and those who suffer for the sake of the gospel will be rewarded.


2. Are you unsure if you have this kind of strength? Then follow Pauls advice and remember our Lord Jesus Christ. His suffering brought victory to us all. When our Lord was raised from the dead, it was a sign of his triumph over sin and death. Through his sufferings, we have the hope of eternal life! He is the promised descendant of David who reigns forever as Lord and Messiah. Paul suffered in chains like a criminal so that others might know Christ and the good news of salvation. We, too, must be strong and endure for the sake of the gospel.


Prayer Father, give us the grace to suffer for the sake of the gospel like a good soldier of Christ.

One Word Strength comes from grace

Monday, July 18, 2022

2 Timothy 1:1-18


Keywords 1:14

Guard the good deposit that was entrusted to you--guard it with the help of the Holy Spirit who lives in us.


1. A wealth of wonderful, godly treasures had been entrusted to Timothy. He possessed a sincere faith like his mother and grandmother. His relationship with Paul was deep and tender as Paul referred to him as his dear son and prayed for him night and day. Timothy possessed gifts for ministry and was indwelt by the Holy Spirit. He was saved and called by God himself and received life and immortality through faith Christ Jesus. In fact, his salvation and ministry had been ordained by God before the beginning of creation. These are samples of how the gospel had been deposited in his life and entrusted to him. We have been entrusted with this wonderful deposit as well.


2. Fear and shame rob the gospel of its power in our lives and hinder our ministry. This shouldnt be the case with us. The Holy Spirit gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline that overcomes our fear and gives us the strength to suffer for the gospel. Many had deserted Paul, and Timothy could have been ashamed over his mentor being in chains. However, there was no reason to be ashamed of the gospel or Gods servant. Paul had obeyed Gods calling to be a herald, apostle, and teacher. Timothy was to guard the good deposit by obeying the Lords calling in his own life.


Prayer Father, grant us your Holy Spirit to proclaim the gospel without any fear or shame.

One Word Guard the deposit God has given you

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Matthew 20:17-34


Keywords 20:28

just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."


1. As Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, there was a lot of anxiety and excitement in the air. While Jesus disciples did not fully know what to expect, they knew something big was going to happen. For the third time, Jesus told them he was going to suffer, be killed, and then be raised to life. After this, James and Johns mother made a request for them to secure greatness with Jesus. Jesus took this opportunity to teach his disciples about his own view of true greatness.


2. Many rise to power by doing whatever it takes to get ahead of others so that they may exercise their power over them. Jesus flips this around and says that the great are those who do whatever it takes for others to get ahead. They use their power to serve rather than be served. This greatness is rooted in Gods love and mercy.


3. When Jesus saw the blind men, he was ready to serve them even when everybody saw them as a nuisance. Jesus greatness was his ability to love even the unlovable, hopeless, and looked down upon, and give his life for them. In this way, he gave hope and new life. He opened not only their physical eyes but spiritual eyes to see Gods love and mercy.


Prayer Lord, thank you for giving yourself fully to give me assurance of your love and mercy. May I be a vessel of such love to those you put in my life.

One Word Give life

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Matthew 20:1-16


Keywords 20:12

'These men who were hired last worked only one hour,' they said, 'and you have made them equal to us who have borne the burden of the work and the heat of the day.'


1. Those who think God is fair may dislike this passage. While he is fair to those who came first, giving them what he promised, he is seemingly unfair to those who came last by giving them the same amount, a days wages.


2. God provides what we need. What makes life so miserable is comparing to others, what they have or dont have. Those who had come first would have been perfectly fine if those who came last were given less. What made them really angry was making them equal to those who did the right things and worked so hard.


3. God blesses those who simply show up, who live in the grace given freely to all. Hell is when we go to heaven and complain about the people who we think shouldnt be there.


Prayer Lord, you are merciful beyond our imagination. Help us to simply enjoy it and not compare and complain.

One Word God is generous

JEPHTHAH’S VICTORY AND SHORTCOMINGS Judges 11:29-40 / Keywords 11:32 Then Jephthah went over to fight the Ammonites, and the LORD gave them ...