Monday, January 31, 2022

Psalm 4:1-8


Keywords 4:6b

Let the light of your face shine upon us,


1. Answer me when I call to you (1-5)

David was greatly distressed and angered when the wicked slandered him and accused him with lies. However, he called to the righteous God for relief. David was sure that God set him apart; he was confident that God would hear his prayer and vindicate him in the end. David reminds himself not to sin in his anger, but search his heart and, in silence, wait on the LORD.


2. Fill my heart with joy (6-8)

Many people seek better opportunity, asking, Who will bring us prosperity? However, David sought the light of Gods face to shine on him and asked God to fill his heart with joy, for the light of Gods face brings more joy than the harvest of grain and wine. We have true peace, joy, peaceful sleep and safety when God shines his light upon us with forgiveness of sins and his presence.


Prayer Lord, thank you for peace and joy through Jesus cleansing and forgiveness. Help me seek your face and know the joy of your presence and peace of your protection.

One Word Let the light of your face shine on me

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Psalm 3:1-8


Keywords 3:5b

the LORD sustains me.


1. The LORD sustains me (1-6)

David was fleeing for his life due to his son Absaloms rebellion. The enemys numbers were increasing day by day. Satan accused him through peoples taunting: God will not save him. Like David, we may be surrounded by unseen enemies, however, see what David did. David didnt devise a military strategy, but called out to God, trusting in the protection of God who would lift his head high. His absolute trust in the LORD enabled him to sleep in peace, not fearing the possible disaster. If God is for us, who can be against us (Ro 8:31)? God sustains his people when they trust in him.


2. Deliver me, my God! (7-8)

David not only knew that his trial came from God, but also that salvation comes from Him. He trusted God to deal with his enemies and prayed, Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God!"


Prayer Lord, thank you for sustaining me in spite of my sins and failures. Help me trust in you, who is my shield and glory, and call out to you in times of trouble.

One Word Deliverance comes from the LORD

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Psalm 2:1-12


Keywords 2:12a

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry


1. Why do the nations conspire in vain? (1-3)

God is the Sovereign Ruler over his creation. His rule is our true freedom and peace. However, in this fallen world, people live in rebellion against the LORD and his Anointed. They rebel against God, thinking that His rule and law are like chains which threaten their autonomy and interfere with their free will. They even crucified Jesus and persecuted his apostles (Ac 4:27), but this kind of futile effort never thwarts Gods plan of salvation, for he is sovereign.


2. I have installed my king (4-12)

Gods anointed king ultimately refers to Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. God promised him the inheritance of all nations and the victory over his enemies. This is fulfilled through Jesus death and resurrection and the preaching of the gospel by his people. Anyone who submits and serves him with fear and trembling joy shares his victory and blessings. Those who reject or rebel against him will be subject to his flaring wrath and destruction. Blessed are all who take refuge in the Son of God, Gods anointed King.


Prayer Lord, thank you for peace with you through Jesus, who delivered me from a life of resisting your rule. Help me submit to my Lord Jesus and serve him with awesome respect and joy.

One Word Take refuge in Gods anointed King

Friday, January 28, 2022

Psalm 1:1-6


Keywords 1:2a

But his delight is in the law of the LORD,


1. The way of the righteous (1-3)

The righteous do not listen to the advice of the wicked, and do not hang around those who deny God or those who are immoral, and they do not join in with the people who treat God and his people with contempt. Rather, their joy is in Gods word-the law of God they meditate on day and night. Like a fruitful tree planted by the waterfront, their life is deeply rooted in Gods word and is nourished and strengthened by it. They become prosperous in all they do, for the LORD watches over and blesses them. They are the ones who are truly blessed.


2. The way of the wicked (4-6)

However, the way of the wicked is like a chaff of the wind that blows away. All their busy activities will be like chasing after the wind- nothing that will lead them nowhere. Their life has no root, no meaning, and no fruit. They seem to be free and wise, but are restless wanderers on earth and will face destruction and judgment in the end.


Prayer Lord, thank you for redeeming me from the empty way of life by the precious blood of Jesus. Help me to walk closely with you by meditating on your word with delight.

One Word Gods word is my delight

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Matthew 7:1-12


Keywords 7:7

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. "


1. Do not judge (1-6)

We invent many ways to judge others. But judging is like shutting a door in ones face. Perhaps it makes us feel superior. Jesus did not come to judge, but to save. He didnt come to look down on us, but to become like us. Rather than judging, we can show compassion, mercy, and grace. Rather than judging, we ought to examine our own hearts and recognize our own need for mercy.


2. Ask, seek, knock (7-12)

Sometimes we are so sure that we dont ask. Or maybe we are scared to be unsure, so we dont ask. Or maybe we are simply scared of rejection or not getting anything. I found that asking questions and seeing where they lead often leads to a fuller and richer faith. It will also lead to further questions. God is not a closed door, but one that opens to more and more riches when we continue to ask, seek, and knock. God continues to fulfill the scriptures and advances his kingdom when we seek him more and more. He is a fountain of living water.


Prayer Lord, thank you for your grace and your generosity to open doors to me and to all who seek you.

One Word The door will be open for you

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Matthew 6:19-34


Keywords 6:33

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


1. Treasures in Heaven (19-21, 24)

Treasures on earth are temporary and costly. These days, our precious belongings become outdated after a year or two. Newer and better treasures make us always want more, even though we cant afford them. Earthly treasures never fully satisfy. But there is a great treasure that never gets old or loses value. It is also something that money cannot buy, yet it is freely given to us.


2. Look at the birds and flowers (22-23, 25-34)

These days, we are bombarded by advertisements and opinions that tell us how we should live and what we should look like. It makes us worry and feel insecure. Jesus reminds us to look at the birds of the air and the flowers of the field. The love of our father God, who gave us life and created the heavens and the earth, is our source of joy and righteousness. We must live today secure in his grace, regardless of the uncertainty of tomorrows events. When we seek first his kingdom and righteousness, we find that his grace is sufficient and boundless for all our needs.


Prayer Lord, open my eyes to see that I am enough, as I am, in your grace. Nothing in this world can satisfy as you do.

One Word Seek heavenly treasure

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Matthew 6:9-15


Keywords 6:10

your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.


1. How you should pray (9-13)

The Lords Prayer introduces God as our Father. While earthly fathers may be absent or flawed, our Father God is one who loves, cares, and knows exactly where we are in life. The Lords prayer is communal and draws humanity together into Gods love and provision. It does not pray that we may get to heaven, but that heaven may be realized where we are. It emphasizes forgiveness and recognizes our vulnerability need for help.


2. Forgiveness (14-15)

Without forgiveness, we cannot have peace with others or peace with God. Forgiveness starts in our own hearts. Forgiveness is like grace, mercy, compassion, and empathy. Even Jesus asked God to forgive those who were crucifying him. It comes from God, and we all need it.


Prayer Father God, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

One Word Your kingdom come, your will be done

Monday, January 24, 2022

Matthew 6:1-8


Keywords 6:1a

"Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' before men, to be seen by them. "


1. Be genuine

Jesus said to let your good deeds be seen by others (5:16), but he didnt mean we should be actors that perform for others to look good. There is a time to give, a time to pray, and a time to mourn. We do so as God calls us with a genuine heart. Social media likes and a good reputation from those who dont even really know us may make us feel good, but they are nothing compared to the loving embrace of God who really sees us for who we are.


2. In the secret

It is said that someones true character is found in the secret places that are not seen by the world. Whether we deem ourselves good or bad, God sees everything about us and meets us with open arms of grace. God can only meet us as we truly are, and he doesnt require anything but faith in his grace to accept us.


Prayer Lord, thank you for seeing me as I am and accepting me. Help me to be genuine as I live in the world and avoid creating false images.

One Word He who is unseen sees and accepts you

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Matthew 5:33-48


Keywords 5:44

But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,


1. Love your enemies

Jesus shares some of his most difficult teachings here. Who can turn the other cheek or love their enemy? Love is not a warm and fuzzy feeling that just falls into ones lap. Love takes effort. Love is hard. Enemies are but human labels we create for those we want to fight or hide from and not love. But God loved us even while we were still sinners. We can begin to love when we know Gods love for us.


2. Be perfect (48)

What does it mean to be perfect? What if it is not something to attain, but something that comes by faith? Godwho is perfectloves you, and even more than you could ever imagine. How would you live if you grew more and more in the knowledge and faith of Gods love for you? How about knowing that this same love extends to everyone?


Prayer Lord, you are perfect and created us in your image and in your love. May we live and grow in your love and love others in the same way.

One Word God is love

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Matthew 5:17-32


Keywords 5:17

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.


1. The law and the prophets (17-20)

Jesus was seen by the religious leaders of the time as someone who spurned the law and religious codes, at least in relation to the way the religious leaders taught and practiced them. Jesus wanted to make clear that he did not come to abolish, change, or set aside any of the written laws or prophetic writings. Rather, he came to fulfill them. Jesus fulfilled the Law by revealing the heart of the Law and living it out.


2. But I tell you (21-32)

Laws and regulations can be viewed as clear boundaries which we just dont cross, but Jesus revealed that there is more to them than the literal understandings. Do not murder should lead us to reconciliation with those who have hurt us. Laws on marriage and adultery should lead us to a more sacred view of women. Marriage should not view women as objects of pleasure, nor is marriage a mere functional arrangement.


Prayer Lord, open the eyes of my heart to see and love your word, not merely as rules and regulations, but deep treasures of wisdom that reveal your kingdom.

One Word Fulfill the Law



Friday, January 21, 2022

Matthew 5:13-16


Keywords 5:14a


1. Saltiness (13)

Each life has its own flavor or saltiness, but we can also lose this saltiness when we believe that our life is flawed, beaten down, or lacking in relation to someone else. God wants to heal, save, and lift the souls he created and loves. God created each person not only in his image but also with distinct character, gifts, thoughts, and passions. The world grows richer when each person actively engages with the world and with each other like a beautiful tapestry.


2. Shine (14-16)

Jesus said, You are the light of the world. A light is meant to shine. How many people are wasting their life through addiction, mind-numbing entertainment, and endlessly performing and pleasing? Jesus wants our lives and souls to be lights that can be seen and heard in the world. It can be scary, but we can do so knowing that God gave us our life and its light.


Prayer Lord, may we shine the light you lovingly gave us. If we have lost our flavor, may you restore it by your grace and salvation.

One Word You are the salt and light of the world

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Matthew 5:1-12


Keywords 5:3

"Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


1. Jesus audience (1-2)

Those who came or were brought to Jesus were not the elite of society but the sick, marginalized, and demon possessed. Jesus own disciples included fishermen whose livelihoods depended on the whims of nature, a tax collector who sold his dignity to the Roman oppressors, an angry political radical, and others. Those who followed Jesus were the people whom Jesus loved and who needed to know that Gods love doesnt depend on human standards. As Jesus began his Sermon on the Mount, he spoke to people such as these.


2. Blessed are you (3-12)

Jesus understood the sorrow, yearning, hunger, and injustice that the people were feeling. He didnt, however, point blame or have pity. Instead, Jesus said they are blessed. To be blessed is not something to attain by our efforts, but it is a realization given by God. Even in our struggles and longings, God is with us and will indeed fulfill our hope for justice, righteousness, and kingdom glory.


Prayer Lord, I repent of my privilege and complacency. May I experience the blessed hunger and thirst for righteousness that sees your kingdom come, even amid pains.

One Word You are blessed

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Matthew 4:12-25


Keywords 4:16

the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned."


1. The appearing of a great light (12-17)

Jesus did not begin his ministry in Jerusalem, but in the remote region of Galilee. Jesus served people who seemed far from God. He taught them that the kingdom of God was very near to them. All they had to do was repent and believe the good news. Jesus ministry fulfilled the prophecy of a great light to light up peoples lives. Jesus himself is that light. The kingdom of heaven came to us in Jesus.


2. Jesus calls disciples and begins to serve (18-25)

Jesus also began to call disciples, whom he could train to be spiritual leaders and serve as he did. Jesus calling gave ordinary fishermen a whole new life as fishers for people. Jesus also displayed Gods love and light by healing all kinds of human suffering. Soon large crowds of people began to follow Jesus wherever he went. They saw in Jesus the true hope they had been seeking.


Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for opening the kingdom of heaven to us when we were lost in darkness. I will follow you with great hope.

One Word A great light

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Matthew 4:1-11


Keywords 4:4

Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"


1. Jesus fasting and first temptation (1-4)

At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus had to face severe temptation by the devil. The devil tried to tempt him first with hunger, knowing that Jesus had been fasting for 40 days. Jesus refused the temptation to turn stones into bread by Scripture, Man shall not live on bread alone (Deut 8:3). Jesus held on to the truth that our life is spiritual and not just physical.


2. Jesus resists temptations of earthly glory (5-11)

Next, the devil tempted Jesus to prove his divine identity by jumping off the temples highest point. Then he promised Jesus all the worlds wealth in exchange for worship. Jesus answered both temptations with Scripture as well. The devil tempted Jesus with all types of temptations: physical desires, pride, and greed. Jesus succeeded against temptation and showed that he is qualified to save us from the devil.


Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for the victory you won over sin for us. Help me learn from Jesus example how to overcome many kinds of temptations.

One Word Temptation can be overcome in Jesus

THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...