Friday, January 21, 2022

Matthew 5:13-16


Keywords 5:14a


1. Saltiness (13)

Each life has its own flavor or saltiness, but we can also lose this saltiness when we believe that our life is flawed, beaten down, or lacking in relation to someone else. God wants to heal, save, and lift the souls he created and loves. God created each person not only in his image but also with distinct character, gifts, thoughts, and passions. The world grows richer when each person actively engages with the world and with each other like a beautiful tapestry.


2. Shine (14-16)

Jesus said, You are the light of the world. A light is meant to shine. How many people are wasting their life through addiction, mind-numbing entertainment, and endlessly performing and pleasing? Jesus wants our lives and souls to be lights that can be seen and heard in the world. It can be scary, but we can do so knowing that God gave us our life and its light.


Prayer Lord, may we shine the light you lovingly gave us. If we have lost our flavor, may you restore it by your grace and salvation.

One Word You are the salt and light of the world

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