Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Luke 24:36-53


Keywords 24:48

You are witnesses of these things.


1. Jesus’ glorious resurrection (36-43)

 While the two were still talking to the disciples, Jesus appeared among them.

They were startled, thinking he was a ghost. He showed his pierced hands, feet,

and side. He also ate a broiled fish. Jesus showed his glorious and transformed

body. We will also be transformed at the last day!


2. You are witnesses (44-53)

 Jesus taught the main points of all the scriptures: The Messiah must suffer,

die, and be raised. The repentance for the forgiveness of sins must be preached

to all nations. Jesus appointed his disciples to be his witnesses to the ends

of the earth. He promised to send the Holy Spirit to enable them to carry out

their mission. It seems best for Jesus to stay here. Yet the task was given to his

weak and vulnerable disciples while he was taken up into heaven. What we are

supposed to do until he comes again? We should not only enjoy the grace of the

forgiveness of sins but also strive to be his witnesses. Through the Holy Spirit we

are enabled to be witnesses through our life of joy, hope of the kingdom of God,

and courageous faith.


Prayer Lord, thank you for showing us your glorious image, which we will also

have. Use me to preach the forgiveness of sins through Jesus’ death and

resurrection to all nations.

One Word I am witness of the risen Jesus!

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