Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Deuteronomy 11:1-32


Keywords 11:1

Love the LORD your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always.


1. God will provide (1-15)

 Moses reminded the people to love the LORD and to obey him. He reminded

them of the LORD who had never failed to deliver them in all their journeys. They

were witnesses of the living God. Therefore, they should observe the commands

of the one who had revealed his glory among them and through them. They should

faithfully trust and serve the one who had provided their salvation. Then they

would be blessed with God’s provision in every way.


2. A blessing and a curse (16-32)

 Temptations would come, temptations to follow other gods and worship them.

Then they would live apart from God’s protection. If they fixed the words of

the LORD in their hearts and carefully observed them, then the LORD would

bless them as he promised them. The LORD offered his people a blessing and

a curse—a blessing if they obeyed the commands of the LORD and a curse for

disobedience. This choice in fact would be their reality upon entering the Promised

Land. Choosing God was a matter of blessing and life.


Prayer Lord, thank you for revealing yourself to me. Help me to love you with all

my heart and soul. Help me to entrust myself to you.

One Word Love and obey the Lord

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