Keywords 22:70
They all asked, "Are you then the Son of God?" He
replied, "You are right in saying I am."
1. Peter’s denial (54-62)
Jesus’ disciples
abandoned him when he was arrested, but Peter followed at
a distance to see what would happen. As the night
progressed, three different
bystanders recognized Peter as one of the disciples, but,
every time, he denied
knowing Jesus. He fell into temptation under the power of
fear. When a rooster
crowed, Peter realized Jesus’ prediction was right, and he
wept bitterly. Knowing
ourselves as sinners is the beginning of repentance.
2. Jesus testifies to the Sanhedrin (63-71)
Jesus was mocked and
abused by the guards responsible for him because he
seemed powerless. On trial before the Jewish council, the
religious leaders asked
Jesus directly if he was the Messiah. But they didn’t care
about the truth; they
only wanted Jesus to incriminate himself. Jesus knew this,
but still he revealed his
divine identity, speaking of his heavenly throne and
admitting that he was the Son
of God. Jesus would not deny the truth, even though it cost
his life.
Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for showing me my sin. I
want to win the victory
over fear. I need your courage to stand on the truth.
One Word Pray for power to tell the truth
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