Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Luke 22:39-53


Keywords 22:42

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."


1. “Not my will, but yours be done” (39-46)

 As the time of his suffering drew near, Jesus prayed in order to find strength to

face it. He commanded his disciples to pray as well, so they would not fall into

temptation in this time of testing. In prayer, Jesus expressed his desire to escape

from his cup of suffering, but he sought God’s will above all. He prayed in such

anguish that his sweat was like blood. God did not take away Jesus’ cup, but he

gave him strength to drink it.


2. Jesus is betrayed and arrested (47-53)

 At that moment Judas arrived, leading a mob to arrest Jesus. A kiss of friendship

became a secret signal to show which one to arrest. Jesus knew this and even

convicted Judas of his sin. The disciples tried to fight back with swords, but Jesus

stopped them and even healed one of the guards. After his prayer, Jesus had

power to reveal God’s glory even through his arrest.


Prayer Lord Jesus, thank you for your example of prayer that wins the victory in

trials. Help me be spiritually equipped through prayer.

One Word Pray for strength to accomplish God’s will

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