Sunday, July 4, 2021

Luke 19:11-27


Keywords 19:17

“ 'Well done, my good servant!' his master replied. 'Because you have been trustworthy in a very small matter, take charge of ten cities.' ”


1. Put this money to work until I return (11-15)

 Nearing Jerusalem, many, perhaps even his disciples, speculated the kingdom

of God was imminent. Jesus’ parable of a man of noble birth revealed that there

would be delay. The man, hated by his own subjects, went to a distant country to

be crowned. Before leaving, he called ten of his servants and entrusted them each

with his own property, commanding them: “Put this money to work until I come

back.” This exactly depicts the moment Jesus gave the world mission command

before he ascended to heaven. Until Jesus returns again at the end of the ages,

the apostles are chosen to put this money to work.


2. Good servants and a wicked servant (16-27)

 We can imagine how difficult it was to remain faithful to the master’s trust amidst

subjects who hated him. But when he returned, crowned in glory and majesty as

king, he lavishly rewarded those who proved trustworthy in small things. Wicked

servants who made excuses were stripped of their trust and all who rejected the

king were killed. So will it be when Jesus returns.


Prayer Father, thank you for those who faithfully shared your gospel until now.

Help me trust you and be trustworthy with what you have given today.

One Word Be faithful in small matters

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