Saturday, July 3, 2021

Luke 19:1-10


Keywords 19:10

For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost."


1. “Zacchaeus, come down immediately” (1-6)

 As Jesus passed through Jericho, Luke draws our attention to Zacchaeus.

Although short, he had power, abusing his oppressed people to become a rich,

chief tax collector. Wanting to see Jesus, he estimated Jesus’ course, ran ahead,

and climbed a sycamore-fi g tree, scuffing up his nice clothes. This was more than

casual interest; his soul longed for something only Jesus had. Jesus stopped

and called to him: “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your

house today.” Jesus’ words knocked on the door of Zacchaeus’ heart (Rev 3:20).

Zacchaeus gladly welcomed him.


2. “Salvation has come to this house” (7-10)

 The crowds were offended by Jesus’ choice of friends. Zacchaeus voluntarily

decided to give away half his possessions and pay restitution to those he

had taken advantage of. This was his repentance, moved by Jesus’ love and

acceptance. Jesus declared: “Salvation has come to this house.” Was it because

of Zacchaeus’ charity? No. He shared the faith of his father Abraham: faith to obey

God. Jesus came to seek and to save the lost.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus who seeks and saves me. Help me share his

heart for the lost.

One Word Jesus is knocking at your heart’s door

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