Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Galatians 5:1-15



Keywords 5:1a

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.


1. Faith and love are all that count (1-6)

 Christ has set us free from the law. But some Galatians were persuaded by the

false teachers that they also had to be circumcised. Paul argued against this.

Those who bought this argument were submitting themselves to the whole law.

And the law cannot save. They had thrown Christ away as of no value at all.

Righteousness does not come from circumcision or not being circumcised. It

comes only through faith in Jesus Christ. Faith, expressing itself in love for God

and for others, is all that we need.


2. You are free, but don’t indulge your sinful nature (7-15)

 The false teachers (Judaizers) had tripped up many Galatians in their race of

faith. But Paul was sure that God would remind them of the truth of the gospel

and steer them clear of false teachings. And he condemned those who had led

the Galatian Christians astray in no uncertain terms (12). They were free because

of Christ. But they shouldn’t use their freedom to indulge in their sinful nature.

Christ made them free to love and serve God and others.


Prayer Lord, thank you that Christ made us free. Help me to love you and others

as Christ wants from us.

One Word I am free because of Christ

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