Monday, July 19, 2021

Galatians 4:21-31


Keywords 4:31

Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman.


1. Two covenants: pick one! (21-26)

 It seemed that Abraham and Sarah could never have children. So, Sarah gave

her maidservant Hagar to Abraham, and they had a son, Ishmael. He was born of

the flesh. Later, God promised Abraham a son by Sarah. That was Isaac. He was

born by the promise of God. Paul compared Hagar and Sarah to the covenants

of law and grace. The covenant of law leaves us as slaves to sin and death.

The covenant of grace makes us truly free. As Christians, we are under God’s

covenant of grace, and we are free from sin!


2. Like Isaac, we are children of promise (27-31)

 Paul quoted Isaiah to tell the Galatian Christians that though they were small in

number, they would flourish if they held to the gospel. He reminded them that they

were children of the promise. As Ishmael persecuted Isaac, so they were being

persecuted by the false teachers. They should get rid of them! They were made

to be free by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.


Prayer Lord, thank you for setting us free by the gospel of Jesus.

One Word Set free by the gospel of Jesus Christ

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