Keywords 9:62
Jesus replied, "No one who
puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of
1. Jesus had no place
to lay his head (57-59)
As Jesus and his
disciples walked along, a man told Jesus that he would follow
him wherever he went.
The man had desire to follow but he seems not to have
understood the cost.
Following Jesus requires giving up earthly comfort and
earthly security.
Even animals have shelter but Jesus did not have a place to lay
his head. Disciples
should not expect anything more.
2. Commitment to the
kingdom of God (60-62)
Jesus then said to
another man to follow him. The man fi rst wanted to go and
bury his father. God
commands us to honor our father and mother. But the
man used this as a
cover not to immediately obey and make the kingdom his
priority. Another man
said that he would follow but after saying good-bye to his
family. Jesus
compared this to a person who puts his hand to the plow but then
looks back. The plow
will quickly go off course and could even break. Likewise,
discipleship requires
full commitment and no turning back.
Prayer Lord, I repent of my
desire for comfort and ease. Help me to be your fully
committed disciple.
One Word Follow Jesus and don’t turn back
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