Keywords 10:2
He told them, "The harvest
is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore,
to send out workers into his harvest field.
1. Pray for harvest
workers (1-7)
To follow Jesus also
means to be sent out by him into his harvest fi eld. Jesus
sent out seventy-two
other disciples to go ahead into the towns he would visit.
Many needed to hear
the gospel but there were few who could carry out that task.
Going into Jesus’
harvest field could be dangerous and required total reliance
and focus on God. But
there is no more eternally important work than working in
the Lord’s harvest fi eld. Let
us ask the Lord to send out harvest workers into his
harvest field.
2. Heal the sick;
preach the kingdom of God (8-16)
The work in the
harvest fi eld had two components : healing the sick and telling
people that the
kingdom of God had come near. Healing the sick was visible
evidence that God’s kingdom had come.
This life-saving work would be met with
strong resistance.
Jesus foretold judgment against those who rejected his workers
and his kingdom.
Prayer Lord, thank you that
your kingdom has come. Please send out workers
into your harvest fi
eld, including me.
One Word Lord, send out
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