Monday, December 28, 2020



Genesis 24:50-67 / Keywords 24:58



1. Rebekahs decision of faith (50-60)

When they heard the servants testimony, Rebekahs father and brother accepted

it as from the Lord and offered Rebekah to be Isaacs wife. When the servant

heard this, again he bowed and worshiped the Lord. Then he gave them costly

gifts and enjoyed the festivities. The next morning though, when he wanted to

leave, they were hesitant to send her away immediately. The servant insisted on

leaving and finishing his mission. When they decided to let Rebekah settle the

matter, she made a decision of faith to go with the servant and marry Isaac. Then

her family was moved by her faith and blessed her.


2. Isaac and Rebekah get married (61-67)

Rebekah went with the servant to the promised land to begin a new life of faith.

As they arrived, Isaac was walking in the fields. They seemed to fall in love at first

sight. She prepared for her wedding while the servant told Isaac how God had led

him to Rebekah. By faith, Isaac accepted Rebekah, and they married and loved

each other.


Prayer Lord, help me to make a decision of faith to follow your leading.

One Word Follow Gods leading and be blessed


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