Tuesday, December 29, 2020



Genesis 25:1-34 / Keywords 25:21



1. Isaac and Rebekahs home (1-23)

At 175, Abraham died. He had other sons through his concubines, but Isaac

was the covenant son. When Isaacs wife Rebekah was barren for 20 years, Isaac

prayed for her. He was a quiet man with personal faith that enabled him to wait

for Gods sovereign time. The Lord accepted his prayers, and his wife became

pregnant. When she experienced a difficult pregnancy, Rebekah also prayed and

turned to the Lord. He told her that two nations were in her womb and that the

older would serve the younger.


2. Jacob and Esau (24-34)

Rebekah gave birth to twin sons who were struggling from birth to be the

firstborn. Esau, the oldest, was hairy all over and loved the outdoors. Jacob came

out of the womb grasping his brothers heel. Though he was quiet and stayed

indoors, he was ambitious. Once when Esau came in famished from the fields,

Jacob spotted an opportunity to get the birthright. He made a deal to sell a bowl

of stew for Esaus birthright; Esau foolishly agreed.


Prayer Lord, you are sovereign over peoples lives. Help me to pray and trust your


One Word Pray and trust Gods sovereignty


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