Thursday, December 31, 2020


John 13:1-17 / Keywords 13:14



1. Jesus loves his own (1-11)

When Jesus was about to leave the world and was bearing the weight of Judas

impending betrayal, his thoughts turned to his disciples. Jesus loved his disciples.

Jesus got up from the dinner table and began to wash his disciples feet. Peter

objected but Jesus insisted. Their bodies would be clean by Jesus death and

resurrection. Even still, they needed a regular cleansing of sin, represented by the

foot washing.


2. Jesus has set an example (12-17)

Jesus further applied his washing of the disciples feet to their relationships with

each other. 11 of the 12 were spiritually clean but their daily sins and selfishness

could break the bond of unity amongst them. So just as Jesus washed their feet,

they ought to wash one anothers feet. Practically this meant forgiving, being

gracious and serving each other. Jesus, as their Lord and Teacher, had done the

same for them.


Prayer Lord, thank you for washing away our sins. Help me to forgive and serve

my brothers and sisters as you have done for us.

One Word Do as Jesus has done


Wednesday, December 30, 2020



Genesis 26:1-15 / Keywords 26:3



1. Stay in this land (1-6)

When a famine arose, Isaac went to Gerar. God commanded Isaac to stay in the

land and not to go down to Egypt. When he obeyed God, God promised to bless

him. God also gave him the covenant promise he confirmed to Abraham to inherit

the land and be a blessing to the world. Now was the time for Isaac to overcome

trials by faith and to claim Gods covenant promise personally. By faith, Isaac

stayed in Gerar.


2. God protected and blessed Isaac (7-15)

When the Philistines inquired about Rebekah, Isaac was afraid and said that she

was his sister. But when he caressed her in public, Abimelech rebuked him for

lying. Isaac confessed his fear, and Abimelech revealed his own fear of God and

extended protection to Isaac and Rebekah. Later, God blessed Isaacs crops a

hundredfold and made him rich. Gods blessing aroused the Philistines envy, and

Isaac had to endure a time of testing.


Prayer Lord, help me to claim your promises and pass through times of trial and


One Word Stay in the mission field by faith


Tuesday, December 29, 2020



Genesis 25:1-34 / Keywords 25:21



1. Isaac and Rebekahs home (1-23)

At 175, Abraham died. He had other sons through his concubines, but Isaac

was the covenant son. When Isaacs wife Rebekah was barren for 20 years, Isaac

prayed for her. He was a quiet man with personal faith that enabled him to wait

for Gods sovereign time. The Lord accepted his prayers, and his wife became

pregnant. When she experienced a difficult pregnancy, Rebekah also prayed and

turned to the Lord. He told her that two nations were in her womb and that the

older would serve the younger.


2. Jacob and Esau (24-34)

Rebekah gave birth to twin sons who were struggling from birth to be the

firstborn. Esau, the oldest, was hairy all over and loved the outdoors. Jacob came

out of the womb grasping his brothers heel. Though he was quiet and stayed

indoors, he was ambitious. Once when Esau came in famished from the fields,

Jacob spotted an opportunity to get the birthright. He made a deal to sell a bowl

of stew for Esaus birthright; Esau foolishly agreed.


Prayer Lord, you are sovereign over peoples lives. Help me to pray and trust your


One Word Pray and trust Gods sovereignty


Monday, December 28, 2020



Genesis 24:50-67 / Keywords 24:58



1. Rebekahs decision of faith (50-60)

When they heard the servants testimony, Rebekahs father and brother accepted

it as from the Lord and offered Rebekah to be Isaacs wife. When the servant

heard this, again he bowed and worshiped the Lord. Then he gave them costly

gifts and enjoyed the festivities. The next morning though, when he wanted to

leave, they were hesitant to send her away immediately. The servant insisted on

leaving and finishing his mission. When they decided to let Rebekah settle the

matter, she made a decision of faith to go with the servant and marry Isaac. Then

her family was moved by her faith and blessed her.


2. Isaac and Rebekah get married (61-67)

Rebekah went with the servant to the promised land to begin a new life of faith.

As they arrived, Isaac was walking in the fields. They seemed to fall in love at first

sight. She prepared for her wedding while the servant told Isaac how God had led

him to Rebekah. By faith, Isaac accepted Rebekah, and they married and loved

each other.


Prayer Lord, help me to make a decision of faith to follow your leading.

One Word Follow Gods leading and be blessed


Sunday, December 27, 2020



Genesis 24:10-49 / Keywords 24:12



1. The servants prayer (10-27)

When the servant arrived in Haran, it was time for the women to go out to draw

water. Before anything else, the servant kneeled down in prayer and depended on

God. His prayer revealed his desire to please God and to carry out Gods will in

Isaacs life. Before he had finished praying, Rebekah appeared. When the servant

requested a little water, she generously offered to water his ten thirsty camels. The

servant carefully watched to see if this was the Lords answer to his prayer. When

she informed him that she was Abrahams relative, the servant worshiped the Lord

and thanked God who gave him success in his mission.


2. The servants request (28-49)

Rebekahs family prepared a feast, but the servant refused further hospitality

until he made his request. He explained everything - revealing Gods sovereignty

in leading him to Rebekah to be Isaacs wife. Now he requested their kindness

and faithfulness to Abraham by consenting to the marriage.


Prayer Lord, help me to put my requests before you and follow your leading.

One Word God leads us when we pray


Saturday, December 26, 2020



Genesis 24:1-9 / Keywords 24:4



1. A woman of faith for Isaac (1-4)

Abraham was now very old and blessed in every way, but there was a very

important matter to solve: Isaac needed to get married. Abraham called in his

chief servant and made him swear to find a wife for Isaac. She was not to be a

Canaanite, but a woman from among their own relatives who feared God. Isaacs

marriage was critical in regards to the passing on of the life of faith.


2. Only do not take my son back there (5-9)

A real concern arose: what if there was a woman willing to marry Isaac, but

unwilling to live in Canaan - Abraham instructed the servant not to take Isaac back

to his native land. Abraham believed that God who had brought him to Canaan

and promised him the land would send his angel to bring a wife back for Isaac.

But in any case, if she was unwilling, the servant was released from his oath. It

was imperative that Isaac not go back to Abrahams homeland and jeopardize the

spiritual direction set by God.


Prayer Lord, please help me to view marriage in light of your mission and value

your calling first.

One Word A marriage established for mission

Friday, December 25, 2020



Matthew 2:1-12 / Keywords 2:2



1. Jerusalem is disturbed (1-8)

Magi from a kingdom in the East, using their knowledge of Scripture and

astronomy, discovered that the Messiah had been born in Israel. They immediately

set out on the long journey to honor him. Ironically, the leaders of Gods own

people were not even aware of Jesus birth. Herod was disturbed because he saw

this event only as a threat to his own power. He asked the religious leaders for the

Messiahs birthplace without telling them why, then sent the Magi out with evil

intent. Nonetheless, the Magi received the direction they needed.


2. The Magis gifts (9-12)

When the Magi realized that God was leading them to find the new King, they

felt great joy. Young Jesus and his parents did not look like anyone special, but

the magi bowed low and gave gifts to him. The Magi are excellent examples of

seeking the truth with a pure motive. They did not seek to get something, but to

give their worship.


Prayer Father, thank you that those who seek Jesus can find him, even in evil

times. Help me give my hearts pure worship to Jesus.

One Word We have come to worship him


Thursday, December 24, 2020



Matthew 1:18-25 / Keywords 18:21



1. Immanuel (18-23)

God sent the Messiah through the Virgin Mary, conceived by the Holy Spirit so

he would be without sin. Marys fiancé Joseph could not believe it at first, but

he showed his character by planning to divorce Mary quietly, without shaming

her publicly. Then an angel came to Joseph and told him to take Mary as his wife

and give the baby the name Jesus. The angel explained that this child would

save his people from their sins-something only God could do. The grace of Divine

Christs incarnation is expressed in the word Immanuel. In Jesus, God is with us

personally forever to save and care for us.


2. Josephs obedience (24-25)

After waking from his dream, Joseph did what the angel had commanded. It

looks like one normal persons small life decision. But Josephs willingness to

accept Gods plan made him a great part of salvation history. This is an example

of how God can use us as well.


Prayer Father, thank you for sending Jesus to be God with us and save us from

our sins. Please use me to bring Jesus to the world in some small way.

One Word Immanuel


Wednesday, December 23, 2020



Matthew 1:1-17 / Keywords 1:11



1. The promise to Abraham (1-6)

Matthew begins his gospel with a genealogy to show that the coming of Jesus

was the fulfillment of Gods promise, kept over many generations. God promised

Abraham that all peoples on earth would be blessed through his offspring.

Abrahams only son of the promise was Isaac, but finally his descendants became

an entire nation and inhabited the land of Canaan. However, Gods promise was

not finished yet.


2. The promise to David (7-13)

King David, with his shepherd heart, was a model of the Messiah, but he was

still a sinner. God made a promise to send the Messiah from among Davids

descendants. Davids kingdom finally fell and the people were exiled because

of their sin. Davids descendants were no longer kings but ordinary people. Yet,

they could be used to keep Gods hope alive. Finally, Jesus the Messiah was sent

through humble Joseph the carpenter and Mary.


Prayer Father, thank you for your faithful work through history to fulfill your

promises. Thank you for bringing Jesus the Messiah into the world.

One Word God keeps his promise through the generations


Tuesday, December 22, 2020



Isaiah 9:1-7 / Keywords 9:6



1. A light from Zebulun and Naphtali (1-5)

Gods people suffered through many dark and distressing times. Among the

people of Israel, the Northern kingdom, which included the land of the tribes of

Zebulun and Naphtali, may have suffered the most. But God humbles his people

so he may raise them up. Through Isaiah, God promised to bring a great light,

freeing them from their oppressors and bringing peace and joy. This corresponds

to the spiritual blessings we receive in Christ.


2. The Prince of Peace (6-7)

God revealed through Isaiah that the great light would be a child who would

come and rule over Gods people eternally. Of course, this is Jesus Christ,

whose hometown was in Galilee, the land of Zebulun and Naphtali. Christ can be

everything to us-our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and

Prince of Peace. We are greatly comforted because his kingdom will never end.


Prayer Lord, thank you for the hope you give to people living in darkness. Let

Jesus light shine upon us, and may his kingdom and peace increase in

our time.

One Word God sends light to those living in darkness

Monday, December 21, 2020


 Genesis 23:1-20 / Keywords 23:4



1. Abraham purchased a burial site (1-4)

At age 127, Sarah died, and Abraham mourned for her. He dealt with the practical

matter of where to bury her. He could have taken her back to where their relatives

lived, or even to Ur. But by faith, he lived as a foreigner in the mission field and

purchased a burial site to bury his dead. It was a decision to claim the promised

land as his homeland and to remain there permanently.


2. The cave of Machpelah (5-20)

The Hittites recognized Abraham as a great prince among them and offered

him the choicest of tombs. But Abraham already had in mind a cave at the end

of a field. The owner Ephron wanted to freely give him the cave and the field, but

Abraham insisted on paying for it, and the property was deeded to him. There he

buried his wife Sarah. After over six decades in the promised land, Abraham only

owned a field and cave as a burial site. But he believed Gods promise that one

day his descendants would possess all the land.


Prayer Lord, help me to live by faith from first to last and trust your promises.

One Word Abraham possessed only a burial site


Sunday, December 20, 2020


 Genesis 22:1-24 / Keywords 22:18



1. Take your son whom you love (1-12)

Later, God tested Abraham by commanding him to sacrifice Isaac on Mt. Moriah.

The Lord said, Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love…” (2). God

wanted to test if Abraham loved God more than Isaac. Early the next morning,

Abraham took his son and set out. After three days, they left the servants and

went on alone. When Isaac inquired about the sacrifice, Abraham told him God

himself would provide the lamb. By faith, Abraham built the altar, bound his son,

and drew the knife. Then God called out to Abraham to stop because he had

passed the test. Abraham demonstrated that he feared God more than he loved

his one and only son.


2. All nations will be blessed (13-24)

God provided a ram to be caught in a bush, and Abraham sacrificed it on the

altar. Then God promised that because of his obedience, Abrahams descendants

would be numerous and victorious. Moreover, all nations on earth would be

blessed through them. Abrahams faith and obedience became a source of

blessing to all.


Prayer Lord, thank you for Abrahams life of faith and obedience. Help me to learn

from him.

One Word A source of blessing for all nations


THE LORD SAVES FROM MIDIAN Judges 7:1-25 / Keywords 7:14 His friend responded, “This can be nothing other than the sword of Gideon son of Jo...