Sunday, November 1, 2020



Nehemiah 5:14-19 / Keywords 5:19



1. Nehemiah is appointed governor (14-16)

Artaxerxes appointed Nehemiah as governor. He served the position for 12

years. During his entire term, he did not receive the high salary due him as

governor. Former governors and their officials lorded over the people and placed

high demands on them, abusing their power. But Nehemiah feared God and

refused even what they were entitled to. Moreover, they overcame the temptation

to acquire land and make themselves rich, and rather they devoted themselves to

the work of rebuilding the walls.


2. Nehemiahs serva nt leadership (17-19)

Every day he entertained 150 nobles and officials as well as guests at his table

- at his own expense. He was generous, hospitable and relational. As a leader,

he defended the poor, managed his officials well, and partnered with those who

controlled resources that would benefit the nation. He did these things because

he feared God and wanted to restore the nation.


Prayer Lord, help me to learn from Nehemiah -- not to take, but to serve and to

give sacrificially for the sake of those you have put around me. Help me

to fear you, not people.

One Word A servant leader fears God and sacrifices himself to carry out the

task of rebuilding the nation

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