Tuesday, November 3, 2020



Nehemiah 7:1-73 / Keywords 7:1



1. Because he feared God more than most people (7:1-3)

Nehemiah appointed his brother to be in charge of Jerusalem, not out of

nepotism, but because he was a man of integrity who feared God. He was the

same brother who came to Persia to inform Nehemiah about the condition of

the city walls. Nehemiah also put a military commander over the city to ensure

safety and stability. He appointed men to serve God in the temple and in the city.

Spiritual order was restored to Gods people.


2. The registration exposes the enemy (7:4-73a)

The unpopulated city needed residents. God put it in Nehemiahs heart to have

a family registration. It became clear why Tobiah opposed Gods work, and why he

had not wanted Gods people to have unity and spiritual order. He and his family

were not Levites; he was not even an Israelite (7:62). He had exercised leadership

and had power because of his wealth, but now godly men would be Jerusalems

leaders, and he was excluded.

Prayer Lord, give us courage to appoint as leaders people with spiritual

qualifications-not just people with human ability, money or clever minds.

One Word Have integrity and fear God

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