Sunday, October 25, 2020



Nehemiah 1:1-11 / Keywords 1:11



1. I sat down and wept (1-4)

Nehemiah was a Jewish exile living in Susa in Babylon. He had a high position

in the court of King Artaxerxes; he was the kings cupbearer. Some of the Jewish

exiles had returned to Jerusalem and had rebuilt the temple. One day some menincluding

Nehemiahs brother-came from Judah bringing news of Jerusalem and

the people living there. When Nehemiah heard that the city wall of Jerusalem

was broken down, leaving her helpless and disgraced, he sat down and wept. He

fasted and prayed.


2. Nehemiahs decision (5-11)

Nehemiah decided to risk his job, and even his life, and speak to the king. But

first, he prayed. He confessed the sins of his people, and he included himself. The

people were living in exile because they had not lived according to Gods word.

God had kept his promise to scatter his disobedient people; he was keeping his

promise to restore repentant people.


Prayer Lord, help me to see my nations problems as my own, pray with a

repentant heart, and act by faith.

One Word Pray to the Lord for his help and success


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