Monday, October 26, 2020



Nehemiah 2:1-10 / Keywords 2:4



1. Nehemiahs sad face (1-4a)

Nehemiah was always careful to look cheerful when he served the king. But he

prayed and fasted, and made up his mind to speak to the king. Instead of his

usual happy face, he went before the king with a sad face. The king immediately

noticed and asked him why his heart was sad. Nehemiah was very much afraid.

If the king became displeased or angry, Nehemiah might lose his job and/or his

head, and the situation in Jerusalem might become worse. But he boldly told the

king about his sorrow for Jerusalem. The king responded, What is it you want?


2. An emergency prayer (4b-10)

Nehemiah prayed to the God of heaven; then he answered the king. He

requested permission to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the city and its walls. He

also asked for letters of authorization to the officials whose help he would need.

God was with him, and the king granted his request. As God worked, Satan also

worked, and enemies arose.


Prayer Lord, give me the courage to begin to do the work you put in my heart to

do, trusting in you by prayer.

One Word Pray, then do

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