Saturday, October 10, 2020



Luke 4:14-30 / Keywords 4:18



1. The Lord has anointed me (14-21)

Jesus returned to Galilee full of the Holy Spirit. He taught in the synagogues.

He became famous quickly and people praised him. Jesus was charismatic -

he was bold and clear, and a wonderful teacher. Then he went to his hometown.

In the synagogue he read Isaiah 61, which spoke of the Messiah. God gave the

Messiah his Spirit, not to be popular, but to preach the gospel. The Messiah gives

freedom. We are prisoners to our sins. When we are heartbroken, we can become

prisoners to fear and doubt. Jesus made a bold, true statement. God fulfilled his

promises! Jesus power of love and truth can set us free. We need him. People are

blinded and oppressed in this world by materialism and the pressure to succeed.

Jesus restores us. That is Jesus mission. This is the year of his favour.


2. Jesus rejected (22-30)

People initially liked Jesus, but when they thought about his human heritage,

they rejected him. Jesus understood. It takes humble faith to accept Jesus the

Messiah. It takes humble faith to accept his mission.


Prayer Lord, I need you! Thank you for being my Savior. Restore me and renew

my spirit. Please anoint me to preach the good news.

One Word Jesus is my Messiah


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