Saturday, April 22, 2023


Hebrews 1:1-14 / Keywords 1:3

The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

 1:1 In the past God spoke to our ancestors through the prophets at many times and in various ways, 2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. 3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven. 4 So he became as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs.

The Son Superior to Angels

5 For to which of the angels did God ever say,

“You are my Son;

    today I have become your Father”[a]?

Or again,

“I will be his Father,

    and he will be my Son”[b]?

6 And again, when God brings his firstborn into the world, he says,

“Let all God’s angels worship him.”[c]

7 In speaking of the angels he says,

“He makes his angels spirits,

    and his servants flames of fire.”[d]

8 But about the Son he says,

“Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever;

    a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom.

9 You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness;

    therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions

    by anointing you with the oil of joy.”[e]

10 He also says,

“In the beginning, Lord, you laid the foundations of the earth,

    and the heavens are the work of your hands.

11 They will perish, but you remain;

    they will all wear out like a garment.

12 You will roll them up like a robe;

    like a garment they will be changed.

But you remain the same,

    and your years will never end.”[f]

13 To which of the angels did God ever say,

“Sit at my right hand

    until I make your enemies

    a footstool for your feet”[g]?

14 Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?


a. Hebrews 1:5 Psalm 2:7

b. Hebrews 1:5 2 Samuel 7:14; 1 Chron. 17:13

c. Hebrews 1:6 Deut. 32:43 (see Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint)

d. Hebrews 1:7 Psalm 104:4

e. Hebrews 1:9 Psalm 45:6,7

f. Hebrews 1:12 Psalm 102:25-27

g. Hebrews 1:13 Psalm 110:1

1. God had revealed himself to the people of Israel throughout their history. He delivered them from their bondage in Egypt, led them by the pillars of cloud and fire, and gave them his word at the holy mountain. Whether they succeeded or failed, God never failed to reveal his love and faithfulness to them. Now, during these last days, Jesus, the Son of God, is the perfect revelation of Gods glory to all people. Through him, all things were created, and by his word, all things are sustained. God is perfectly revealed as the one who provides purification to sinners. Jesus is the Son. He is incomparably superior in all creation for he is the radiance and exact representation of God himself.


2. The author testifies to the Sons superiority by comparing him to angels. Angels were highly revered by the Jews at this time. Since Jesus is the Son of God, how much greater is he than angels! The angels are his, and they worship him. The Sons power and righteousness are eternal. God set him above all things for all eternity because he provided an inheritance of salvation for Gods people. Jesus is the perfect representation of our God.


Prayer Lord, thank you for revealing yourself through your Son. Help me to look only to Jesus to know your eternal greatness.

One Word Jesus, the radiance of Gods glory

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