Tuesday, February 14, 2023


2 Thessalonians 1:1-12 / Keywords 1:5

All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.


1. Paul wrote 2 Thessalonians shortly after he had written 1 Thessalonians. As with the first letter, Paul wrote to a church that was under heavy persecution. But the persecution didnt cause the Thessalonians to shrink back or to lose their faith. Instead, both their faith and their love for their brothers and sisters in Christ had only grown. For this, Paul was thankful to God. The persecution they were enduring was testimony that Gods judgment against his enemies is right, and that because they had endured, God would reward them with the kingdom of God.


2. God is just (6). What does this mean? It means God will bring justice to those who have been harmed. It means that God will repay with trouble those who had troubled his people. On the day the Lord Jesus returns to judge the world, those who have persecuted Gods people will be punished with everlasting destruction.


3. But on that same day, the Lord Jesus will be glorified. Those who believe in him will share in his glory on that day. And so, Paul prayed that they might live as worthy of Gods calling and that God brings their desire for goodness to fruition.


Prayer Father, make us worthy of your calling by being steadfast and faithful even in the midst of suffering.

One Word God makes us worthy of his calling

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