1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 / Keywords 5:8
But since we belong to the day, let us be
self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of
salvation as a helmet.
The believers expected Jesus to return in their generation. Yet while waiting
some had died, maybe from persecution, and the Thessalonians were confused as
to what would happen to them. Doubts arose. Some grew tired of waiting, were
sleeping spiritually, and were engaging in the darkness. Particularly, they
were getting drunk since wine from their region is world famous.
Paul teaches them that those who had fallen asleep (died) would rise to meet the Lord first, then those who
were alive. He gave them a glorious hope in Jesus’ victorious trumpet call to
overcome their doubts, encourage their faith, and build them up.
3. Next, he warned them that the
Day will come like a thief in the night and to live as children of the light.
Darkness easily overcomes us when we fall in despair. We need to live with
faith and love to guard our hearts and the hope of salvation to protect our
minds. This is basic gospel faith to believe in Jesus’ Second Coming. But we often lose
our vision and become petty and sinful, sliding into the darkness. Let’s wake up! Examine our hearts
soberly and repent living in the darkness. Let’s live in the light!
Prayer Father, thank you for giving us the
promise of Jesus’ return. Help us to wake up and
live with faith, love, and hope as children of the light.
One Word Live
as children of the light, listening for Jesus’ trumpet call!
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