Sunday, January 29, 2023


Mark 2:1-12 / Keywords 2:5

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, "Son, your sins are forgiven."


1. When some men brought a paralyzed man to Jesus at Capernaum, they probably were seeking physical healing for this man. They carried the man on a mat. When they found that they could not come near Jesus because of the great crowd in the house, they opened a hole in the roof and lowered the man on the mat in front of Jesus. They took such an extreme measure only because they believed in the healing power of Jesus.


2. The man had to depend on others for all his basic needs. Everyone would have said it was his physical disability that made him miserable. But Jesus saw his sin problem as the most urgent issue. Do you blame circumstances for causing you to sin? Do you resent people who seem to have it all so easy? Come to Jesus and receive the forgiveness of your sins and rejoice in his grace.


3. Who can forgive sins but God alone? The question raised by the religious leaders was valid. To show his authority, Jesus made the man walk carrying his mat. Everyone was amazed and praised Godexcept those who refused to accept that Jesus is God who has the authority to forgive.


Prayer Lord, I ask you for many things every day, but your forgiveness is what I need most of all. Please forgive my sins each day and help me to see your glory.

One Word Jesus forgives my sins


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