Thursday, January 19, 2023


Psalm 89:19-52 / Keywords 89:28

I will maintain my love to him forever, and my covenant with him will never fail.


1. What a list of promises! In verses 19-37, the psalmist reviews the promises that God made in his covenant with David. God chose David and anointed him. He sustained and strengthened him while giving him victory over his enemies. He loved David and exalted him. God even promised to maintain his line forever. God would punish Davids descendants if they failed to keep his commands, but he would never take away his love or betray his faithfulness to them. God swore on his own character that Davids line would continue forever.


2. In verses 38-45, though, we come to a problem. You can feel the deep anguish of the psalmist as he cries out to God. It seems as though God has forgotten all of his promises. The kingdom is in shambles and where is God? The psalmist speaks honestly and directly to God, reciting what seems to be one broken promise after another. He longs for God to reverse this tragedy in his lifetime. How long, LORD?, he cries. Gods name, the kings name, and even the psalmists name were being mocked and shamed. From our vantage point, we know that God has fulfilled all of his promises to David in Jesus Christ. Gods promises may not be fulfilled in our lifetimes, but they will be fulfilled! In the meantime, we wait on the Lord, whose love and faithfulness never fail.


Prayer Father, grant us peace and patience.

One Word God honors all of his promises

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