Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Leviticus 20:1-27 / Keywords 20:8

Keep my decrees and follow them. I am the LORD, who makes you holy.


1. In chapter 20, the Lord gives similar commands as chapter 19, but here he focuses on the judgment. The punishment for some sins is death, and for others, it is to be cut off. Gods absolute attitude demands accountability, for the Lord is clear about protecting the spiritual community. It is not enough to know, believe, and agree with Gods laws. Everyone must practically follow his holy word.


2. Among these laws, there are two main categories. The first is in regards to worshiping Molek. This was a predominant form of idol worship at the time in Canaan and involved child sacrifices and is why God brought his judgment upon the Canaanites. Idol worship causes people to be controlled by superstition, fear, and demons, and is hard to cure. It binds a whole nation in demonic darkness.


3. The next group of laws involve inappropriate sexual relationships. These tend to occur along family lines or other close relationships. Sexual sins deeply wound and scar people for life and become curses passed down to the next generation. Sexual sins break down the family and society. Though sexual sins are obviously wrong, people are weak. God is telling them and us clearly, Stop! Dont! I will judge you! We need the Holy Spirit to listen to Gods holy word, deny ourselves, and follow him.


Prayer Father, grant me Jesus grace through the Holy Spirit to follow the Lords decrees and be holy.

One Word Follow Gods holy words practically

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