Saturday, October 29, 2022


Psalm 75:1-10 / Keywords 75:2

You say, "I choose the appointed time; it is I who judge uprightly.


1. The psalmist starts and ends with praising God who is near his people and does wonderful deeds for them. He describes God as the ultimate and righteous judge. Gods judgment will be just and fair and come on his timeline. Although the world is messed up in sin, God in his patience and mercy keeps his hold on the pillars of the world firmly from collapsing. Godless people in their arrogance and pride defy God as if a bull lifts its horns to gore. God cuts off the horns of the wicked and brings them down but exalts the horns of the righteous. When he pours out the cup of his wrath, the wicked cannot refuse it but must drink it to its last drop. So, Gods people must trust him by faith and praise him who executes his timely righteous judgment.


2. Our God is the Lord of history and in control over the universe. He saves, protects, and guides his people. Although we are often spiritually blind to what God is doing, he has worked and is still working by keeping the world from eternal judgment. But in his right time Jesus will return to earth as the judge of the living and the dead. The righteous, holy, fair, and equitable Lord will deliver final judgment and take his people to his heavenly home and condemn the wicked. So, we sing praise to him and live before him to the end.


Prayer Lord, help me trust in you no matter what the circumstances, give thanks to you, and live by faith.

One Word God is still in control

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