Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Matthew 25:1-13


Keywords 25:13

Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.


1. Jesus told a parable to teach his disciples to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man. In the parable there were ten virgins going out to meet the bridegroom. Five were foolish and five were wise. The wise ones were those who took enough oil to light their lamps. They did so in order to be ready when the bridegroom came regardless of what hour it was. Indeed, the bridegroom was a long time in coming. All of them fell asleep.


2. Finally, the cry rang out, Heres the bridegroom! The foolish girls did not have oil for their lamps. They were in darkness. They tried to get oil from the others, but there wasnt enough. So, they went out to buy oil, but they missed the point; they missed the wedding banquet. Jesus teaches us what the kingdom of heaven will be like in this parable. He teaches us to be wise. His coming may seem delayed or far off. At that time, he tells us, Therefore keep watch. The coming of his kingdom is certain. Wise people stay prepared, ready and watchful.


Prayer Lord, give me a ready and prepared heart to welcome you at all times. Help me to keep watch for the coming of my bridegroom.

One Word Keep watch

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