Friday, June 17, 2022

Malachi 1:1-14


Keywords 1:14b

For I am a great king," says the LORD Almighty, "and my name is to be feared among the nations.


1. The Lord declares his love (1-5)

Malachis prophecy starts as all prophesy shouldwith the direct word of the Lord. The Lord proclaimed his love for his people. But people in Malachis time doubted the Lords love for them. They asked how he had loved them. The Lord had demonstrated his love for his people in his choosing Jacob over his twin brother Esau. Much later, the Lord punished Esau for his sin and pride. We cannot always understand the Lords ways. But when he proclaims his love, we can be sure we are loved.


2. My name will be feared (6-14)

The people doubted Gods love because they held the Lord in contempt. They held him in contempt by their offerings, which were lame and diseased. They offered to the Lord sacrificial offerings they wouldnt have offered to their governors! The Lord doesnt want offerings. He wants our hearts. When we come to the Lord with a contrite heart, he accepts us, even if we make a heart offering that is worth only a fraction of a penny (Mk 12:41-44). He is worthy of our love and honor and devotion and fear, because he is our great king. His name should be feared by all nations.


Prayer Father, Thank you for your love. Bless us to love, honor and fear you as our great king.

One Word The Lord is our great king

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