Sunday, May 15, 2022

Matthew 13:31-35


Keywords 13:33

He told them still another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough."


1. It is like a mustard seed (31-32)

Jesus gave parables to help people understand the kingdom of heaven, which cannot be seen or touched. It is a miracle of nature how a small seed such as a mustard seed can become a large plant with spreading branches. In the same way, the work of God can grow from very humble beginnings to become a blessing to the world. Each of us can be like a mustard seed of the kingdom when we have the life of Jesus in us.


2. It is like yeast in dough (33-35)

When a small amount of yeast is mixed through a lump of dough, it is invisible. But it causes the dough to rise and expand greatly. In the same way, Gods people may not look remarkable among the people of the world, but by their influence they can raise society up toward the kingdom of God. Jesus revealed deep secrets of the kingdom of heaven with stories about ordinary things.


Prayer Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing the principles of the kingdom of heaven. Make me a mustard-seed-like influence in this world.

One Word The kingdom of heaven starts small and grows


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