Monday, May 9, 2022

Matthew 12:1-21


Keywords 12:8

For the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath.


1. Jesus heals on the Sabbath (1-14)

The Sabbath law, given by Moses, declared the seventh day of the week to be a day of rest on which no work could be done. The Pharisees kept this law very strictly, and they criticized Jesus for letting his hungry disciples pick heads of grain and eat them on the Sabbath. Jesus taught them from the Scriptures that there were exceptions to this law when a great work of God was going on. Then Jesus declared himself Lord of the Sabbath. Jesus demonstrated his authority by healing a man with a shriveled hand on the Sabbath. It is lawful to do works of compassion on the Sabbath.


2. Jesus is Gods promised servant (15-21)

As persecution against Jesus grew, Jesus withdrew for a time and ministered to people in a remote place. Matthew, the author, saw Jesus life as the fulfillment of Isaiahs prophecy about Gods chosen servant. Jesus did not make a lot of noise, but gently served broken people to bring true justice. Jesus gives us hope.


Prayer Father, thank you that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath who can heal us so we have true rest.

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