Monday, March 7, 2022

1 Corinthians 1:1-17


Keywords 1:17

For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel--not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.


1. Pauls thankful prayer (1-9)

Paul was very thankful for the Corinthian Christians. He was so thankful, he always thank(ed) God for them. How could Paul be so thankful for the people of Corinth despite their sinfulness? There were many sins Paul brought to light in this letter. But Paul was thankful because of the grace of Jesus Christ, given to them. The grace of Christ enriched the Corinthian Christians in many ways. His grace brought them many spiritual gifts, and kept them strong in their faith.


2. Many divisions (10-17)

One sin Paul heard about is divisiveness within the church. The Corinthian Christians were rightly proud of their Bible teachers. Nothing is wrong with that except when it gets in the way of the gospel work. Their pride led to quarrels about whose faction they belonged to. They were divided. But Christ is not divided! Paul was not sent to baptize in his name or be the leader of a rival fellowship. He was sent by the Risen Jesus to preach the gospel, not with fancy words to persuade people, but by relying on the power of the cross itself.


Prayer Father, help us not to be divided, but to preach the gospel with the power of the cross.

One Word The cross of Christ has power!

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