Monday, February 28, 2022

Exodus 17:1-7


Keywords 17:6

I will stand there before you by the rock at Horeb. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink." So Moses did this in the sight of the elders of Israel.


1. The people quarrel and grumble from thirst (1-4)

The LORD led the Israelites from the Desert of Sin to Rephidim where they camped. Unfortunately, there was no water. The people demanded water. They bitterly complained that they would die of thirst. Following God to Rephidim seemed to make life worse, not better. In fact, God did this to help them to know and trust him better. Would they remember how God had delivered and provided and then turn to him in faith? They did not and by grumbling, they put the LORD to the test.


2. The rock points to Christ (5-7)

God told Moses to take his staff and in the presence of the elders, strike the rock at Horeb. When Moses did so, water came forth for the people to drink. The rock points to Jesus Christ (1 Co 10:4). When mankind suffered in sin, God provided Jesus who was struck for us. Anyone who is thirsty is invited to drink from Jesus (Jn 7:37). All who drink the water Jesus gives will never thirst again (Jn 4:14).


Prayer Father, when circumstances are overwhelming, please help me to trust you in faith and know Jesus better. Forgive my unbelief.

One Word Turn to Jesus our Rock

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