Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Deuteronomy 19:1-21


Keywords 19:19

then do to him as he intended to do to his brother. You must purge the evil from among you.


1. Establish cities of refuge (1-14)

When God blessed the Israelites to inherit the land, it was essential to establish a justice system that provided for mercy and wisdom to protect the innocent. In times of tragedy, it is easy to act in vengeance. But a godly nation must be patient, wise, and just. So God commanded them to establish three cities of refuge for perpetrators of involuntary manslaughter where they could live in safety and be protected until their innocence could be proven. As God blessed the land to increase, they had to continue to devote themselves to establishing a just and wise punitive system. A nation must be blameless before God. Our justice system represents the nation and dictates the times.


2. Establish honest witnesses (15-21)

In a trial, one witness is not enough to establish guilt. Though it is very difficult at times, a verdict must be established on the testimony of at least two witnesses. In the case of falsifying testimony, the court must be severe to prosecute the false witness in order to root out corruption in the justice system.


Prayer Lord, please help me to be fair, wise, and just in my judgments and protect the innocent.

One Word A nation must be innocent before God


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