Saturday, June 26, 2021

Luke 17:1-10


Keywords 17:4

If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."


1. Increase our faith! (1-6)

Jesus knows our weaknesses and the stumbling blocks in this world, so he says:

“watch yourselves!” There is no excuse for those who cause others to sin. But

when others sin against us, we want to tie a millstone around their neck. Jesus

expects us to unconditionally forgive them. To this the apostles cry out: “Increase

our faith!” Unless Jesus gives them more faith, they cannot obey. Jesus explains

that the size of faith is not important; even small faith can uproot fixed things. The

quality of our faith is what matters. What kind of faith should we have?

2. We have only done our duty (7-10)

Jesus gives an illustration of a servant who serves his master without expecting

to being served himself. He knows his place and does his duty. We are those

saved by the grace of Jesus, unworthy as we are. He forgives all our sins,

transforms us into his image, and allows us to work with him for his kingdom

purpose. An attitude of humble obedience to “watch ourselves” and “forgive

them” is only our duty. This is the quality of faith Jesus expects.


Prayer Father, although I am unworthy, you forgive me. Help me humbly obey

you by watching myself and forgiving others by faith today.

One Word Forgive others by faith in Jesus

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