Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Luke 18:9-14


Keywords 18:14

"I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."


1. A Pharisees confi dence in himself (9-12)

Jesus saw that some people were confident of their own righteousness and

looked down on others. So, he told a parable of a Pharisee’s prayer in the

temple. While thanking God, he listed how great he was compared to others.

His confidence in his righteousness was based on his deeds: fasting and tithing.

These are good things, but Jesus said they cannot justify oneself before God.

2. A tax collectors plea for Gods mercy (13-14)

In great contrast, the tax collector stood apart, knowing he was far from God’s

righteousness. In remorse over his selfish condition, he beat his breast. His

attention was not on himself or others, but on God. He remembered God’s mercy,

and cried out, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Jesus declared this man was

justified before God, not the Pharisee. Jesus teaches us to be humble before God

in our prayer, not exalting ourselves. When we do so, there is room for God to

work his mercy in our lives and exalt us.


Prayer Father, thank you for your mercy. Help me pray and humbly ask for your

mercy, as I am a sinner.

One Word Humble prayer asks for mercy

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Luke 18:1-8


Keywords 18:1

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.


1. Grant me justice against my adversary (1-5)

In view of the hardship coming on the earth (17:30-36), Jesus wanted his

disciples to have prayerful faith. In his parable, the widow is powerless and

completely at the mercy of an unjust judge. Justice, for her, was a matter of life

and death. Yet it seemed impossible to obtain since the judge did not fear God

and controlled the situation. But she did not give up! Her persistence in bringing

her plea to him eventually wore him down. She never wavered in her pursuit

of justice. This wicked judge was completely moved by her, even to fear, so he

yielded, finally granting her justice.


2. Will he find faith on the earth? (6-8)

Jesus’ point is this: God is not like the unjust judge! If such a wicked man is

persuaded to grant justice, how much more will God bring about justice for his

chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night! God will surely grant justice; there

can be no doubt about that. But Jesus wonders: When he comes, will he find faith

on the earth, faith that cries out to God day and night? Let’s do so starting today.

Prayer Father, thank you that you are not like the unjust judge but hear and

answer our crying out prayer faithfully. Help me pray and not give up.

One Word Dont give up; Pray!

Monday, June 28, 2021

Luke 17:20-37


Keywords 17:24

For the Son of Man in his day will be like the lightning, which flashes and lights up the sky from one end to the other.


1. The kingdom of God is in your midst (20-25)

Pharisees sought a political, messianic kingdom and, so, rejected Jesus. As a

result, they were completely ignorant that the kingdom of God was already “in

your midst!” But the disciples were different. They knew who Jesus was (9:20).

But he would not be with them forever. He would suffer and be taken from them,

and they would long for even one more day with him. Thus, Jesus gave them hope

and a sign so they won’t fall for false messiahs: When Jesus comes again, it will

not be humble and unobserved but powerful like lightning, witnessed by all! In

this, we have hope to endure.


2. In the days of the Son of Man (26-37)

How should we live as we await that day? Using the backdrop of the days

of Noah and the days of Lot, Jesus tells his disciples (including us) not to be

deceived into living like that day isn’t coming. Instead, like Noah who entered

the ark, we are to enter Jesus’ salvation, and like Lot left Sodom, we are called

to leave the life of sin. On that day, possessions won’t matter, only a life lived for

Jesus and his kingdom will preserve our lives.


Prayer Father, thank you for giving me this truth. Help me yearn for Jesus

coming and remain faithful.

One Word Come Lord Jesus!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Luke 17:11-19


 Keywords 17:16

He threw himself at Jesus' feet and thanked him--and he was a Samaritan.


1. Jesus, Master, have pity on us! (11-14)

Jesus was going to Jerusalem to lay down his life for the sin of the world. He

traveled the lonely border with Samaria. Jews avoided Samaritans, but leprosy

made that distinction irrelevant to these ten men. Together they cried out for

mercy. Jesus immediately commanded them to obey God’s law: “Go to the priest.”

All ten obeyed and all were cleansed! Jesus is compassionate to all people.


2. Where are the other nine? (15-19)

Although all ten were healed, only one came back, praising God in a loud voice.

He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked him. This man was a Samaritan,

suggesting the other nine were Jews. They may have felt obedience was enough

and so deserved healing. But this man recognized Jesus as God and was

overwhelmed by God’s grace and mercy to him. Jesus was sorry for the other nine

and their unthankful hearts. This man alone received Jesus’ personal blessing:

“Your faith has made you well.” The others’ skin was clean, but their hearts were

still leprous.


Prayer Father, I do not want only surface healing but to be truly well from the

inside out and to know you as Lord and Savior. Help me to come to Jesus

with humble thanksgiving for his grace today.

One Word Give thanks to Jesus for his mercy

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Luke 17:1-10


Keywords 17:4

If he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven times comes back to you and says, 'I repent,' forgive him."


1. Increase our faith! (1-6)

Jesus knows our weaknesses and the stumbling blocks in this world, so he says:

“watch yourselves!” There is no excuse for those who cause others to sin. But

when others sin against us, we want to tie a millstone around their neck. Jesus

expects us to unconditionally forgive them. To this the apostles cry out: “Increase

our faith!” Unless Jesus gives them more faith, they cannot obey. Jesus explains

that the size of faith is not important; even small faith can uproot fixed things. The

quality of our faith is what matters. What kind of faith should we have?

2. We have only done our duty (7-10)

Jesus gives an illustration of a servant who serves his master without expecting

to being served himself. He knows his place and does his duty. We are those

saved by the grace of Jesus, unworthy as we are. He forgives all our sins,

transforms us into his image, and allows us to work with him for his kingdom

purpose. An attitude of humble obedience to “watch ourselves” and “forgive

them” is only our duty. This is the quality of faith Jesus expects.


Prayer Father, although I am unworthy, you forgive me. Help me humbly obey

you by watching myself and forgiving others by faith today.

One Word Forgive others by faith in Jesus

Friday, June 25, 2021

Luke 16:16-31


Keywords 16:16b

The good news of the kingdom of God is being preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it.


1. Not one stroke will drop out of the Law (16-18)

After John the Baptist, the gospel being preached is salvation by grace, not by

Law. But Jesus declares the Law of God has not disappeared because it reveals

the truth through obedience. Pharisees looked good before others but did not

keep the law, evidenced by divorce and adultery.


2. The rich man and Lazarus (19-31)

Often material blessing is mistaken for God’s favor. A rich man lived in luxury.

The beggar Lazarus at his gate suffered, ignored by the rich man. Both died, but

Lazarus was taken to Abraham’s side to receive comfort while the rich man now

suffered. Still, he believed Lazarus should serve him, bring him water, or even

reach out to his still-living family. Abraham pointed to Moses and the Prophets. A

humble, obedient heart towards God’s law is good soil where the gospel can take

root and grow. Evidence of this faith is tangible: concern and care for the poor and

suffering around us.


Prayer Father, thank you for fulfilling the Law and Prophets through Jesus. Help

me humbly listen to your word, evidenced by being faithful in marriage

and mindful to those in need around me.

One Word Jesus is the good news of the kingdom

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Luke 16:1-15


Keywords 16:9

I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.


1. How to use money and why (1-9)

A rich man found out his manager was wasteful, so he called him to give an

account and fi red him. This manager knew himself: he was weak and proud. He

did not know what the debtors owed his master! But he was shrewd. One by one

he authorized steep discounts on their debt with one goal in mind: “When I lose

my job, people will welcome me into their houses!” His master commended his

shrewd act. Jesus’ point is: “Use worldly wealth to gain friends.” This is how to

use money. Jesus values friendship more than money, jobs, and reputation. He

gave up everything to be friends of sinners like you and me, to be with us eternally.

2. You cannot serve both God and money (10-15)

We are to be trustworthy, and money is a way God tests us in this. All that we

have is not our own but has been entrusted to us by God. How we use money

reveals who our master is: God or money. Pharisees, who loved money, used their

resources to maintain religious and political power, crushing others. It is easy to

justify ourselves before people, but God sees our heart.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus who gave his life for his friends. Help me

follow his example.

One Word Gain friends for eternity

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Luke 15:11-32


Keywords 15:24

For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate.

1. He ran to his son... and kissed him (11-24)

Jesus’ third parable concerns a father with two sons. The younger son

demanded his inheritance before his father’s death, left his father, and wasted

all he had on wild living. When he hit rock-bottom, he came to his senses,

remembered his father and returned with a contrite heart. His father saw him

from far off, ran to him, threw his arms around him, and kissed him. He covered

his son’s shame, restored his position, and celebrated his return. Nothing else

mattered once his son was back. God sees each sinner who repents like this: He

was dead, and is alive again; he was lost and is found.

2. “Everything I have is yours” (25-32)

In contrast, the older brother had been obedient but did not know his father’s

heart. He felt it was unjust that he was not recognized for all his work. The father

explained: “You are always with me, and everything I have is yours.” This was the

moment for the older son to come to his senses, realize how blessed he was, and

share his father’s heart. The parable is left open, with no ending, leaving us to

decide how we will respond to Jesus’ parable.


Prayer Father, thank you for your unconditional love. Help me humbly come to

you today.

One Word Come to our senses

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Luke 15:1-10


Keywords 15:7

I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

1. “This man welcomes sinners” (1-2)

Jesus’ grace attracted public sinners like flies to honey. He welcomed them,

ate with them, and even called them to be his disciples. They became new

people because of Jesus’ grace and truth. This made self-righteous people

uncomfortable. They thought Jesus was a bad influence and lawbreaker himself!

Shouldn’t he condemn sinners as they did? Isn’t that what God wanted?

2. “Rejoice with me” (3-10)

Jesus wanted to help self-righteous people understand the heart of God who

sent his Son to save sinners. So, he gave two parables of someone who lost

something important to them. When it was found after great effort, they wanted to

celebrate with everyone close to them. Likely the celebration cost more than the

value of what was lost! But it didn’t matter on account of their joy. This is the heart

of God towards sinners who repent: he wants all his people, even angels, to share

his great joy over a lost sinner who is now found.


Prayer Father, thank you for Jesus who came to save sinners like me. Help me

share your joy over every sinner who repents.

One Word Learning Gods heart

Monday, June 21, 2021

Habakkuk 3:1-19


Keywords 3:19a

The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.


1. Do it again in our day, O Lord (1-16)

At the very time the Lord pronounced disaster, Habakkuk prayed based on the Lord’s might. He prayed that God, in his wrath, might remember mercy. He was reminded that this is the Lord who revealed himself like this in Israel’s history. He who strode the earth in wrath is he who came out to deliver and save. It is prophetic vision. Habakkuk prayed that the God of Israel would reveal himself and deliver his people in his day.

2. Yet I will rejoice in the Lord (17-19)

Habakkuk was not moved by appearances. What he saw with his eyes was failure. Yet, there he rejoiced. This is faith—to be joyful because of God himself. The Lord is Sovereign. He is the source of strength and joy. He enables us to rise above all things and prophesy his glory and rejoice in all circumstances.

Prayer Lord, help me to live with prophetic insight in these dark times. Bless me to rejoice only in you.

One Word I rejoice in God my Saviour

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Habakkuk 2:9-20


Keywords 2:20

But the LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him."

1. Woes from the Holy God (9-17)

The Lord seeks justice. He pronounced woes on those who sought unjust gain at the expense of ruining people. He did so again to those who built cities with bloodshed. And he also pronounced woes to those who lived for their own pleasure but became shameful. The Lord wants the earth to be filled with his glory. But when men live for their own glory, they end in disgrace and under God’s judgment.

2. Woe to idol worshipers (18-20)

The Lord is the creator of all things, He is the sovereign ruler. He alone is worthy of our worship. Idol worship is an abhorrent abomination in the eyes of the Lord. Worshiping idols of any kind is folly. The Lord is in his holy temple. When we consider the depths of his glory and mercy, we must be silent before him.

Prayer Lord, protect my heart from idols. Help me to come to you with worship in my heart.

One Word Worship the Lord

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Habakkuk 2:1-8


Keywords 2:3

For the revelation awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not delay.

1. God’s revelation will certainly come (1-5)

Habakkuk was watching for God, and the Lord would not disappoint. He promised to reveal his glory in the matter of his judgment on sin. This world is captive to the power of sin and death. But God is eternal. His justice will come. He reveals himself to the righteous—those who trust in his faithfulness in a world where sin seems rampant.

2. You have destroyed (6-8)

The Lord pronounced judgment on the wicked. The first woe he pronounced was against those who sought to store up wealth in this world at the cost of the lives of God’s people, destroying lands and cities and everyone in them. Godless people are unrestrained in their love of self. They destroy others, but they invite God’s destruction upon themselves.

Prayer Lord, this world is captive to sin. Help me to wait with hope for your glory to be revealed.

One Word Though it linger, wait for it


Friday, June 18, 2021

Habakkuk 1:1-17


Keywords 1:2

How long, O LORD, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, "Violence!" but you do not save?

1. How long, Lord? (1-4)

Habakkuk was a prophet from Judah, writing just prior to the Babylonian exile. He saw injustice in his land—destruction and violence. But the Lord seemed absent. So, he sought God in prayer. Why did a just God seem to ignore such injustice?

2. The Lord's answer (5-17)

God gave an unexpected answer; he would exercise justice in his way. He would use the Babylonian armies to execute judgment on his people. Habakkuk once again came to God. How could a just God allow the wicked to swallow up those more righteous than themselves? The prophet complained, but he came to God with everything. He sought God as his eternal Rock. He would watch and wait.

Prayer Lord, your judgment alone is just. Help me to live as one who seeks God when the world seems so unjust, trusting in you.

One Word Seek Gods justice

Thursday, June 17, 2021

1 Chronicles 25:1-31


Keywords 25:1a

David, together with the commanders of the army, set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals.

1. David sets apart Levite musicians (1-6a)

Music was a vital part of worship. David and the army commanders had some of the sons of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun, all Levites, set apart for the music ministry at the house of God. They were to prophesy while being accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals. These musicians were to thank and praise the LORD through music. God gave twenty-four sons combined to these three Levites gifted in music. David knew that music could help people to worship and open their hearts to God’s word. We, too, should sing to the LORD (Ps 96:1).

2. The musicians assigned their duties (6b-32)

The selected musicians were all trained and skilled in music for the LORD. Regardless of age or experience, all could participate in music ministry. As with the other duties assigned to the Levites, lots were cast to determine which musicians would perform and when. God had prepared not only the temple building but all who would minister there.

Prayer Lord, thank you for the blessing of music that lifts up your name and helps us to worship.

One Word Praise and thank God through music

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

1 Chronicles 24:1-31


Keywords 24:19

This was their appointed order of ministering when they entered the temple of the LORD, according to the regulations prescribed for them by their forefather Aaron, as the LORD, the God of Israel, had commanded him.

1. The priestly line of Aaron (1-19)

God had set apart Aaron and his descendants to serve as priests before God. Only they could offer sacrifices, to minister before God and to pronounce blessings in God’s name (23:13). Aaron’s two surviving sons, Eleanor and Ithamar, had many descendants. Among them were Zadok and Ahimelek (18:16). They cast lots to determine the order each family would serve as priests. At the appointed time, each family carried out their priestly duties as the LORD had commanded.

2. The rest of the Levites (20-31)

Not all Levites were priests. The other Levites were assigned various duties related to the worship of God. Lots were also cast to determine when and how they would serve. In the Old Testament, God sometimes used lots to reveal his will. We should not cast lots but we should always seek God in prayer to know how we can serve him.

Prayer Lord, thank you for the privilege of serving you. Please guide me and grant me joy in your work.

One Word How has God called you to serve?


Tuesday, June 15, 2021

1 Chronicles 23:1-32


Keywords 23:31b

They were to serve before the LORD regularly in the proper number and in the way prescribed for them.


1. David organizes the Levites (1-23)

The Levites no longer need to carry the tabernacle or the articles used in worship. Therefore, David organized the Levites into divisions according to their ancestry and gave them new duties. The majority would do the work at the LORD’s temple. Others were judges and officials, others were to be gatekeepers and still others, musicians. Aaron’s line was set apart to minister before God forever. Yet every role was intended to help all the Israelites to know and worship God.


2. The Levites responsibilities (24-32)

Those twenty years old or older were given priestly duties. Those at the temple assisted Aaron’s descendants. They did everything from purifying the sacred things to making the special bread laid out in the temple before God. Every morning, evening and on all special occasions, they thanked and praised God. The Levites served God according to their assignment and in the way prescribed for them.


Prayer Lord, praise and thank you for who you are. Help me to be to do the work you have given me to do.

One Word Serve the LORD the way he wants

Monday, June 14, 2021

1 Chronicles 22:2-20


Keywords 22:5b

So David made extensive preparations before his death.


1. Davids extensive preparations (1-13)

God did not allow David to build the temple because he had shed too much blood. But God promised that Solomon would build the temple. Solomon was young and inexperienced, so David made extensive preparations for the temple. Even more importantly, he prepared Solomon to be king. David reminded his son of God’s promises. Solomon’s kingship would be successful and blessed if he obeyed the LORD with faith and courage. David did all he could for Solomon; it was time for Solomon to be strong and courageous.

2. Devote yourselves to seeking the LORD (14-19)

David painstakingly prepared workers and materials for the temple. He also ordered the leaders to help Solomon build the temple. God had given them rest and peace in the land. In response, the leaders were to wholeheartedly devote themselves to seeking the LORD. In the time of blessing, may our hearts be devoted to God and to also help others to seek and worship him.


Prayer Lord, give me grace and faith to prepare and equip the next generation to carry on your kingdom work. Help us to be devoted to you.

One Word Prepare a spiritual legacy

Sunday, June 13, 2021

1 Chronicles 21:18-22:1


Keywords 21:27

Then the LORD spoke to the angel, and he put his sword back into its sheath.


1. David buys Araunahs threshing floor (18-25)

David’s genuine repentance is revealed in his obedience to God’s word. He went up to Araunah’s threshing floor and asked to buy it. David intended to build an altar to the LORD. In fear and respect, Araunah was ready to give to David his threshing floor and anything needed for the burnt offerings. King David insisted on paying the full price. He would not make an offering that cost him nothing. He bought the plot from Araunah and built an altar in accordance with God’s commands.


2. God halts the plague (21:26-22:1)

David built the altar, made offerings and called on God. God responded to David’s offerings by sending fire from heaven on the altar. Then God told the angel that had brought the plague of death to put his sword away. The LORD accepted David’s humble repentance and halted his judgment. David realized that this place was special. God had met him and revealed mercy here. David decided that this site would be the location of the temple.


Prayer Lord, thank you for Jesus who takes away all the judgment our sins deserve. Please give me an obedient heart to your word.

One Word No condemnation in Christ

Saturday, June 12, 2021

1 Chronicles 21:1-17


Keywords 21:13

David said to Gad, "I am in deep distress. Let me fall into the hands of the LORD, for his mercy is very great; but do not let me fall into the hands of men."

1. David foolishly orders a census (1-7)

David defeated human enemies but fell to spiritual ones. Satan incited him to take a census. Joab told David that it would bring guilt. But David’s pride in numbers overruled the objection. Joab counted one million, one hundred thousand troops even without counting Levi and Benjamin. A census itself was not wrong. However, David’s census was done out of pride in human strength without intention of paying the census tax (Ex 30:11-16). David’s motivations made this census evil in God’s sight.


2. Confession, repentance and Gods mercy (8-17)

David confessed his foolish sin and begged God for forgiveness. God gave three choices of punishment. Though in deep distress for his decision that led his nation into sin, David remembered God’s merciful character. The LORD sent a terrible plague upon all Israel. David took responsibility for his sin and begged God to spare his people. This was true repentance.

Prayer Lord, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Please forgive our sin and be merciful to us.

One Word Repent our sin; ask for Gods mercy


JEPHTHAH’S VICTORY AND SHORTCOMINGS Judges 11:29-40 / Keywords 11:32 Then Jephthah went over to fight the Ammonites, and the LORD gave them ...