Keywords 15:22
For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.
1. Christ the first fruits (20-28)
Christ has been raised. He is called the first
fruits, the sign of a harvest that will
follow. This means that there is hope for Adam’s helpless race. In Adam we die.
have no hope to save ourselves. But in Christ we
will all be made alive. Through
Christ we receive forgiveness of sins and eternal
The risen Jesus will destroy all enemies including
death itself fulfilling Psalm 8:6.
He will destroy all dominion, authority and power
at his second coming. Then even
Christ himself will be made subject to God the
Father. Finally, we will be coheirs
with Christ in his kingdom (Rom.
2. I die every day (29-34)
Paul’s resurrection faith was very practical. He did
not mourn over those who
had fallen asleep in the Lord, for he knew he
would meet them again. He faced
death everyday (“I die every day” ESV, NIV
1984). It seems that Paul died to self
every day. He denied himself and took up his cross
daily in following Jesus (Luke
9:23). This is the life of one who is living by
resurrection faith.
The world without faith tells us to eat and drink,
for tomorrow we die. But as
God’s children we have hope in God. We must not be
misled by the world. Bad
company corrupts good character. We must overcome
the world by faith in Jesus’
resurrection and be a good
influence to those around us who are ignorant of God.
Prayer Lord, thank you for
being the first fruits of a great harvest of resurrection
to follow. I believe your victory over all enemies
including death. I rest in
your hope of eternal life.
One Word Christ
the first fruits
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