Thursday, March 4, 2021

Luke 10:25-37


Keywords 10:37

The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."


1. Who is my neighbor? (25-29)

An expert in the law tested Jesus by asking him what he had to do to inherit

eternal life. Rather than answer the inquiry, Jesus asked the man how he

understood the Law. The expert quoted the Law, saying that loving God with all of

ones heart and loving ones neighbor is how to inherit eternal life. Jesus agreed

with the response and then told the man to do it. Faith in God must result in good

works. (Ja 2:14-16) But the expert wanted to justify himself and asked, Who is my

neighbor? This was the wrong question.


2. How to be a merciful neighbor (30-37)

Jesus told a story about a man who was robbed, beaten and left for dead on

the road. A priest saw him but walked past. A Levite did the same thing. Then a

Samaritan saw the nearly dead man, bandaged him, put the man on his donkey

and carried him to an inn. Then the Samaritan paid the innkeeper to nurse the

man. The expert admitted that the Samaritan had been a true neighbor.


Prayer Lord Jesus, you are like the merciful Samaritan in the story. Help me to go

and do likewise.

One Word Be a merciful neighbor


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