Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Genesis 31:1-30


Keywords 31:13

I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me. Now leave this land at once and go back to your native land.


1. Go back to the land of your fathers (1-21)

As much as Jacob prospered, Labans attitude toward him changed. Finally,

the Lord told him to return to his homeland. Jacob told his wives how Laban had

cheated him, but the Lord had been with him, and he convinced them to leave.

God was faithful to his calling of Jacob. Jacob took his family without telling

Laban. But Rachel stole the familys household gods. They obeyed God, but not

with clarity. They were also moved by Labans attitude and even superstition.


2. God intervenes (22-30)

Laban found out and pursued Jacob. Because Jacob was encumbered with

his fl ocks and herds, Laban caught up to him. God intervened and told Laban to

say nothing either good or bad to Jacob. Laban had power to harm Jacob, but

God protected Jacob. It seemed Laban was more concerned about losing his

household gods than anything else.


Prayer Lord, help me not to be consumed with the things of this world, but to

listen to you and obey you alone.

One Word Listen to God and obey him


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