Friday, January 1, 2021



Daniel 1:1-21 / Keywords 1:8

But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself this way.


1. A new life in Babylon (1-7)

The Israelites experienced the uttermost humiliation when they were taken

captive by the Gentile Babylonians. It was the direct result of the Lords judgment

on their sin, particularly of their persistent idol worship. But the Lord did not forget

about them or leave them; he was with them in their time of exile. Nebuchadnezzar

was the strongest king in his time, but the Lord is the ruler. He would use this time

to raise four young men from Judah to display his sovereign glory at the very time

of their greatest humiliation and the Babylonians greatest power.


2. A resolution (8-21)

Daniel made a dietary decision not to eat the food provided by the king, but to

eat only food according to the word of God. To Daniel God was living in spite of

their situation as captives in exile. His decision put his future at risk, along with

his fellow Israelites and even the chief official appointed over them. It looked like

a small decision, but it was the testimony that God is living and was with them in

their misery. Daniel resolved to seek this God, who is sovereign over all things, yet

with his people in their time of exile.


Prayer Lord, help me to see your presence and testify to your name in every


One Word Daniel resolved not to defile himself

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