Wednesday, October 21, 2020



Nahum 3:1-19 / Keywords 3:19



1. The first charge (1-3)

The destruction of Nineveh was not a random act. God decided it based on her

wickedness. Among those sins, her violence and bloodshed were noteworthy. The

brutality she had employed against others would be visited upon her, filling the

streets with corpses.


2. The second charge (4-7)

The second reason for Ninevehs destruction was because of her spiritual and

moral harlotry. Like a prostitute, she had enticed the nations around her into

following her wicked ways. God would put her to shame.


3. The third charge (8-19)

Finally, Nineveh had not learned from history. Thebes, similar to Nineveh, had

enjoyed the security of natural barriers and powerful allies. Yet it was the Assyrians

who had destroyed it. In similar fashion, the security that Nineveh enjoyed would

not be able to keep her from Gods wrath. There would be no relief, and all those

who had been afflicted by her would clap for joy at her destruction.


Prayer Dear Lord, help us to learn from the judgment of Nineveh. Let us trust in

you when our enemies seem victorious, knowing that you will deliver us

in your own good time.

One Word Wait for the Lord’s judgment

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