Monday, October 12, 2020



Philemon 1:1-7 / Keywords 1:1



Philemon in the bible is a letter written by Paul in the prison of Rome to Philemon

in the Curch of Colossae(1). Paul sent Onesimus, the slave who had fled from the

house of Philemon, to his master Philemon and asked him to forgive Onesimus.

He also writes in a letter asking him to grant Onesimus status as a free man to

assist Paul in his missionary work. This letter was not sent just only to Philemon

but to all of the church community in the house of Philemon, including his wife

Apphia(2). The issue of forgiving, welcoming and accepting the escaped slave

as a free man was not limited to the individuals problem. It was the problem of

the whole house church and even more of all the churches in Colossae. Whats

notable is that Paul, who writes the letter, introduces himself as the prisoner.

Paul is not writing as an apostle of Jesus Christ, but as a prisoner for Jesus. Most

people are stuck in prison because they have sinned. But Paul was different.

He was locked up in prison for Jesus Christ. The reason why Paul can say this

is because he met Onesimo in the prison. Because he gave birth to Onesimo, a

runaway slave, in prison and was able to establish Onesimo as a great co-worker

(10). Paul realized the grace of Christ who gave the gospel not only to gentiles but

also to slaves in prison. The grace of Christ who works through the imprisonment

is truly awesome.


Prayer Do you think of Christ even in unjustified confinement?.

One Word Jesus working in captivity.


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