Tuesday, September 29, 2020




Passage: Luke 1:1-25

Key verse: 13


1. Zechariah and Elizabeth (1-7)

Luke wrote an orderly account of Jesus life. He wrote to Theophilus, who loved

God. Luke begins with the account of an old couple, Zechariah and Elizabeth.

They were faithful people of God who remained upright before God even

though the world was a dark place and despite also suffering personally from

childlessness. This latter point should have made them bitter or angry. But they

prayed, lived according to the word of God, and did not give up their faith and

love for God. They were a lamp to that generation.


2. Your prayer has been heard (8-25)

Zechariah was chosen to burn incense and pray for the people in the temple.

An angel appeared and announced the birth of his son, John the Baptist. His son

would give them much joy and also be a blessing by turning many back to the

Lord and by preparing them for the Christ! Zechariah could not believe it, so the

angel gave him a quiet mouth to meditate on these words and pray more.


Prayer Lord thank you for your work in dark times. Help us, young and old, to love

you faithfully and study your word thoroughly. Make us your light. Help us

receive answered prayers and your favor.

One Word Your prayer has been heard

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