Monday, September 21, 2020




Passage: Genesis 3:14-24

Key verse: 15


1. Gods hope of redemption (14-15)

After cursing the serpent, God promised to send a Savior through the offspring

of woman who would crush Satans head, though Satan would wound him. God

planned a way of redemption that was mans only hope.


2. Mankind under a curse (16-19)

As a result of sin, all of Gods blessings would become cursed. For woman, her

mission to be a suitable helper would turn into cursed desire for her husbands

love. Child-bearing, her pride and joy, would come at great cost and pain. For

man, work would become a painful, interminable struggle to survive, after which

he would return to the dust.


3. A new beginning (20-24)

Adam named the woman Eve, respecting her key role as mother of the living.

As a display of his unconditional love, God provided animal skins to clothe them.

Righteous God banished them from the Garden, and cherubim guarded the tree

of life so that sinners could not reach it.


Prayer Lord God, your promise of salvation is our only hope. Help me to rise

above this cursed world and trust only in Jesus’ salvation.

One Word Trust in God’s hope and salvation


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