Thursday, August 27, 2020



Passage: Acts 23:12~35   

Keyverse: 27

1. The plot to kill Paul (12-22)
The next morning, 40 of the Jews made a solemn oath that they would not eat anything until they had killed Paul. They were planning on a conspiracy with the chief priests and elders to have Paul brought before the Sanhedrin to answer some questions. On the way there, they would kill Paul. But Paul's nephew heard of this and sounded a warning to Paul, who sent him to the commander with the warning. Evil forces were trying to rid the earth of Paul. But the Lord protected him.

2. Paul taken to Caesarea (23-35)
The commander readied some men to give Paul safe conduct to Caesarea. He wrote to the governor that Paul was a Roman citizen who was under threat by a group of Jews because they said he had broken their law. Paul was kept at the palace until his accusers came. They provided guards for Paul to keep him safe. The Lord's plan for Paul was to go to Rome to testify to Him. The Lord kept him safe to accomplish His will.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for your protection for your servants and rescuing us from our trials.

One Word: God rescues and saves

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