Sunday, August 30, 2020



Passage: Acts 26:1~23   

Keyverse: 17b,18

1. Paul the Pharisee (1-12)
Paul recognized Agrippa's familiarity with Jewish customs and controversies. So, Paul related his life testimony to him. Paul was a Pharisee who did everything he could to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth. While he believed he was doing the work of God, he was actually a blasphemer, a violent man, and complicit in the murder of many of Jesus' believers.

2. Paul met the Risen Jesus (13-23)
On one trip to persecute Jesus' believers, he saw a blazing light from heaven. This was the Risen Jesus. Paul learned he was persecuting the Lord. But Jesus forgave his sins and appointed him to be a witness of Jesus. Paul would be used to open the eyes of the Gentiles, turn them from darkness to light, and from Satan to God. The Gentiles would learn Jesus' forgiveness of sins through Paul. Paul was obedient to Jesus and preached the gospel in all Judea and to Gentiles all over the known world. He was in danger because of this, but Paul recognized he had God's help.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for opening the eyes of the blind and saving us from our sins.

One Word: The Risen Jesus has sent me

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