Friday, August 14, 2020



Passage: Amos 5:14~27   

Keyverse: 24

1. Perhaps the LORD will have mercy (14-17)
Amos exhorted the Israelites to seek and love what is good and hate evil. Loving good especially meant to maintain justice. If they did, perhaps the LORD would have mercy on them. But the LORD knew they would not repent. Anguish, mourning and wailing would come on the Israelites when the LORD passed in their midst.

2. God desires justice and righteousness (18-27)
The Israelites wrongly assumed the day of the LORD would be a happy day because they were God's chosen people. In reality, because of their empty religious practices, idolatry and mistreatment of others, it would be a day of darkness and death. God desired repentance that resulted in justice and righteousness that flowed like a never-failing stream. Because the people did not repent, God would send them into exile.

Prayer: Lord, we are surrounded by injustice and unrighteousness. Help me to love what is good and hate what is evil.

One Word: God loves justice and righteousness

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